
Micro Reverse Monte Carlo Approach to EXAFS Analysis




We have developed a new Reverse Monte Carlo code, called the micro Reverse Monte Carlo (m-RMC), which is applicable to structure analysis of nanomaterials and surface species. In the m-RMC, Reverse Monte Carlo is applied to an ensemble of replica files, each of which contains one molecule or one small cluster, because the Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) is sensitive to short-range structures and has negligible interaction between molecules or clusters. We apply the m-RMC to face-centered cubic metals (Cu, Pd, and Pt) and discuss the advantages, validation, and problems of the m-RMC. The bond distance and some cumulant coefficients can be determined from the EXAFS using m-RMC. Some 50-100 replica files are sufficient to reproduce the EXAFS oscillations and radial distributions. The bond distance can be determined, including the asymmetric distributions,by m-RMC. We also apply m-RMC to α-MoO3 and Au clusters. The m-RMC analysis of MoO3 shows that three radial distribution peaks appear corresponding to three types of Mo–O bonds. The m-RMC analysis of Au cluster indicates the presence of Au55 cuboctahedral structure with Au-Au distance at 0.288 nm. We obtain a 3 D image of Au55 nanocluster from the unified file. The m-RMC method can be applied to the analysis of the EXAFS for chemical systems with appropriate care. [DOI: 10.1380/ejssnt.2014.322]
机译:我们已经开发了一种新的反向蒙特卡洛代码,称为微型反向蒙特卡洛(m-RMC),适用于纳米材料和表面物质的结构分析。在m-RMC中,反向蒙特卡洛应用于一组副本文件,每个副本文件包含一个分子或一个小簇,因为扩展X射线吸收精细结构(EXAFS)对短程结构敏感,并且具有分子或簇之间的相互作用可忽略不计。我们将m-RMC应用于面心立方金属(Cu,Pd和Pt),并讨论了m-RMC的优势,验证和问题。键距和一些累积系数可以使用m-RMC从EXAFS确定。大约50-100个副本文件足以再现EXAFS振荡和径向分布。可以通过m-RMC确定键距,包括不对称分布。我们还将m-RMC应用于α-MoO3和Au团簇。 MoO3的m-RMC分析表明,出现了三个径向分布峰,分别对应于Mo-O键的三种类型。 Au簇的m-RMC分析表明存在Au55立方八面体结构,Au-Au距离为0.288nm。我们从统一文件中获得Au55纳米簇的3D图像。 m-RMC方法可以适当地应用于化学系统的EXAFS分析。 [DOI:10.1380 / ejssnt.2014.322]



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