首页> 外文期刊>Procedia CIRP >Improving Maintenance Activities by the Usage of BOL Data

Improving Maintenance Activities by the Usage of BOL Data




Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM) defines the integration of different kinds of activities, from a technical, organizational and managerial point of view. These activities are performed by engineering staff throughout the entire life cycle of industrial products. To improve PLM, the information which is gained within a specific PL phase should be made available and used along the entire life cycle. This position paper describes how the No-fault-found (NFF) problem can benefit from transferring information from BOL into MOL. The application field of avionics is considered, in particular the generated information in the test process of BOL and the relevance of NFF. For this purpose, the article presents an approach by ARINC 672 for reducing NFF phenomenon. On basis of this approach the authors propose an extension to insert the information of test process’ results proactive into the ARINC 672 approach. The extension has a visionary nature and does not consider technical background of the BOL and MOL of aircrafts. Finally the position paper motivates the next necessary steps to bring the proposed extension to its applicability.
机译:产品生命周期管理(PLM)从技术,组织和管理的角度定义了各种活动的集成。这些活动由工程人员在工业产品的整个生命周期中执行。为了改善PLM,应该在整个生命周期中使用并使用在特定PL阶段获得的信息。本立场文件描述了无故障发现(NFF)问题如何从BOL到MOL的信息传输中受益。考虑了航空电子的应用领域,特别是在BOL测试过程中生成的信息以及NFF的相关性。为此,本文提出了ARINC 672减少NFF现象的方法。在此方法的基础上,作者建议进行扩展,以将主动的测试过程结果信息插入ARINC 672方法。该扩展具有远见,不考虑飞机的BOL和MOL的技术背景。最后,该立场文件激励了接下来的必要步骤,以使拟议的扩展扩展其适用性。



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