首页> 外文期刊>Procedia CIRP >Multi-level Self-organization in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems: Smart Home Cleaning Scenario

Multi-level Self-organization in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems: Smart Home Cleaning Scenario




Cyber-Physical-Social Systems integrate various resources from physical network, cyberspace, and social world.These systems rely on communication, computation and control infrastructures commonly consisting of several levels for the three worlds with various resources as sensors, actuators, computational resources, services, humans, etc. Efficient interaction of these resources is essential for cyber-physical-social systems operation. The paper presents multi-level self-organization approach for cyber-physical-social systems that distinguishes three main level for the system resource interaction: physical level, planning level, and strategic level. Smart home cleaning scenariois proposedas an example of multi-level self-organization approach. Robot vacuum cleaner creates room map using the light-sensitive sensors and clean room using the map. For the efficient cleaning, it requires the lights switch on in the cleaning room. For this purposes the vacuum cleaner has to interact with the adaptive illumination control system.Manipulating robot move light furniture (e.g. chairs, or coffee table) or decorative elements (pots with flowers, vases, etc.). It interacts with the vacuum cleaner for synchronization of moving light furniture.For the strategic level, a special strategic planning service has been identified that determines general strategy of resources behavior in the scenario based on interaction with personal mobile device and current situation in smart home. Example of general strategies can be for example reduction in energy consumption, excellent cleaning. For the planning level, a special room management services have been proposed that provide general behavior the cyber-physical-social systems resources in physical level. Example of these strategies can be clean room 1 completely, after that clean room 2 or vice versa. For the physical level a vacuum cleaner, manipulating, and light control services have been proposed. The paper present ontology-based information model for smart home devices interaction. It allows the services of physical level linked to the appropriate smart room devices interact in cyber space while physical devices interact in physical space. Every resource in physical level of cyber-physical-social system is described by the ontology. Appropriate ontologies of vacuumcleanerrobot, adaptive illumination control system, and manipulating robothave been proposed in the paper.



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