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Naval Surface Ship In-service Information Exploitation




The Royal Navy operates a fleet of complex modern warships and submarines each comprising a system of systems often in harsh and potentially volatile environments. The maintenance of surface vessels is primarily undertaken by Babcock and BAe Systems in an alliance with the Ministry of Defence. The Ministry of Defence system engineering lifecycle is known as CADMID, this details the six phases of a projects’ lifecycle from Concept through to Disposal. The “In-Service” phase of a naval vessel will typically constitute 70% of the artefact's through-life cost. During the “In-Service” phase the number and involvement of stakeholders will vary as the vessel cycles through Tasking, Upkeep and Regeneration. The paper considers the key stakeholders and their participation in each cyclical mode. Information to be exploited will be subject to two discrete drivers, firstly the information available for exploitation as a consequence the vessels’ current cyclical mode, secondly, the characteristics of the information source.
机译:皇家海军拥有一支由复杂的现代军舰和潜艇组成的舰队,每艘军舰和潜艇通常都包含一个系统系统,这些系统通常在恶劣且可能易变的环境中使用。水面船只的维护工作主要由Babcock和BAe Systems与国防部结盟。国防部的系统工程生命周期被称为CADMID,它详细说明了从概念到处置的整个项目生命周期的六个阶段。海军舰船的“服役中”阶段通常将构成人工制品整个生命周期成本的70%。在“服务中”阶段,利益相关者的数量和参与程度将随着船只通过任务分配,保养和更新的周期而变化。本文考虑了主要利益相关者及其在每种周期性模式中的参与。待开发的信息将受两个离散的驱动因素的影响,首先是由于船舶当前的循环模式而可用于开发的信息,其次是信息源的特征。



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