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Observational study to check the compliance of implementation of 85% graphic health warnings on tobacco products in India from April 1, 2016




Background and challenges to implementation: Graphic health warnings effectively communicates health hazards of tobacco use - consumers see warnings thousands of times. Evidence shows that large graphic health warnings on tobacco packs are efficient and cost-effective. As per law (COTPA 2003, Section 7), it is mandatory to implement pack warnings across all tobacco products in India. Since April 1, 2016, India requires 85 percent graphic health warnings to be printed on both sides of all tobacco product packets. Intervention or response: Two months after implementation of rules, a study was undertaken by VHAI and seven partners to monitor the compliance of 85 percent graphic warning labels (GWLs) in 8 states on three types of tobacco product packaging. This included - Cigarettes, Bidis and Smokeless. The tobacco packets were collected in 2 commercial areas (Low and High Income Zones) from kiosks, tobacco specialists, street vendors, independent small groceries, supermarkets, and other venues selling tobacco. The sample included 786 cigarette packs (24 brands, 4 tobacco companies), 665 packs of smokeless tobacco (7 types of products, 48 brands, 36 tobacco companies, 20 brands of non-identified tobacco companies), 539 bidi packs (23 bidi companies and 50 brands of non-identified bidi companies. Results and lessons learnt: 67% cigarette brands, 16% bidi brands and 46% smokeless brands were fully complying with the new 85 percent graphic health warnings. Conclusions and key recommendations: The Government must strictly enforce the HWL's rules as health warnings on tobacco packages are a direct, cost-effective means of communication to inform the health risks of tobacco consumption to the consumersew users/illiterate population.
机译:实施的背景和挑战:图形健康警告有效地传达了烟草使用对健康的危害-消费者看到警告的次数是数千次。有证据表明,在烟盒上使用大尺寸的图形健康警告是有效且具有成本效益的。根据法律(COTPA 2003,第7节),在印度所有烟草制品上都必须实施烟盒警告。自2016年4月1日起,印度要求在所有烟草制品包装的两面都印有85%的图形健康警告。干预或回应:实施规则两个月后,VHAI和七个合作伙伴进行了一项研究,以监测8个州对三种烟草制品包装的85%图形警告标签(GWL)的遵守情况。其中包括-香烟,Bidis和无烟。烟包是在2个商业区(低收入区和高收入区)从售货亭,烟草专家,街头小贩,独立的小杂货店,超市和其他销售烟草的场所收集的。样本包括786包香烟(24个品牌,4个烟草公司),665包无烟烟草(7种产品,48个品牌,36个烟草公司,20个身份不明的烟草公司),539个比迪烟盒(23个比迪烟公司)结果和经验教训:67%的卷烟品牌,16%的比迪烟品牌和46%的无烟品牌完全遵守了新的85%图形健康警告结论和主要建议:政府必须严格执行强制执行HWL的规则,因为烟草包装上的健康警告是一种直接的,具有成本效益的通信方式,可以向消费者/新使用者/文盲告知烟草消费的健康风险。



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