首页> 外文期刊>The Plant Genome >An Assessment of the Relative Influences of Genetic Background, Functional Diversity at Major Regulatory Genes, and Transgenic Constructs on the Tomato Fruit Metabolome

An Assessment of the Relative Influences of Genetic Background, Functional Diversity at Major Regulatory Genes, and Transgenic Constructs on the Tomato Fruit Metabolome




While the greatest strength of systems biology may be to measure tens of thousands of variables across different genotypes, this simultaneously presents an enormous challenge to statistical analysis that cannot be completely solved with conventional approaches that identify and rank differences. Here we examine a diverse panel of conventional and transgenic, field-grown tomato fruits (Solanum lycopersicum L.) by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) metabolic fingerprinting. We used a progression of statistics to examine phenotypic variation observed. While clear trends were found by principal component analysis (PCA) related to genetic background and ripeness, it could not detect differences between transgenic genotypes and their nontransgenic parent variety. Partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), a supervised method, identified 15 metabolic features of potential interest, but only five were significantly different between the transgenic lines and their nontransgenic parent. Weighted correlation network analysis (WGCNA) recognized relationships among these features and others, suggesting that a small suite of highly correlated compounds accumulated to significantly lower levels in the transgenic genotypes. We assert that metabolic fingerprinting with a series of statistical methods is an efficient and powerful approach to examine both large and small genetic effects on phenotypes of high value or interest.
机译:尽管系统生物学的最大优势可能在于测量不同基因型上成千上万的变量,但这同时给统计分析带来了巨大挑战,而传统的识别差异并对其进行排名的方法无法完全解决这一挑战。在这里,我们通过液相色谱-质谱(LC-MS)代谢指纹图谱研究了一组常规的和转基因的,田间种植的番茄果实(Solanum lycopersicum L.)。我们使用统计进展来检查观察到的表型变异。尽管通过主成分分析(PCA)发现了与遗传背景和成熟度相关的明显趋势,但它无法检测出转基因基因型与其非转基因亲本品种之间的差异。有监督的偏最小二乘判别分析(PLS-DA)识别了15种潜在的代谢特征,但在转基因品系和其非转基因亲本之间只有五个显着不同。加权相关网络分析(WGCNA)认识到了这些特征与其他特征之间的关系,这表明一小套高度相关的化合物在转基因基因型中的积累水平大大降低。我们断言,采用一系列统计方法进行的代谢指纹分析是一种既有效又强大的方法,可以检查对高价值或高兴趣表型的大小遗传效应。



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