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The Check Your Cannabis Screener: A New Online Personalized Feedback Tool




This brief report describes the development and first year of use of an Internet-based screener for Cannabis users. Two versions of the Check Your Cannabis screener were compared, one linked to an already established harm reduction website for young Cannabis users (as an exercise called “Check how I compare with others,” on www.WhatsWithWeed.ca) and the other a standalone version (http://www.CheckYourCannabis.net). The What’s With Weed version attracted ten times more users and had a significantly younger audience as compared to the standalone version, underlining the benefits of targeting a website to a specific audience and linking to websites with already established reputations. Further work is needed to establish any impact on actual Cannabis use from taking the Check Your Cannabis screener.
机译:这份简短的报告介绍了针对大麻用户的基于Internet的筛选器的开发和使用的第一年。比较了两个版本的“检查您的大麻”筛选器,一个链接到一个已经建立的针对年轻大麻用户的减少危害网站(作为练习,名为“检查我如何与他人比较”,网址为www.WhatsWithWeed.ca),另一个独立运行。版本(http://www.CheckYourCannabis.net)。与独立版本相比,What's With Weed版本吸引了十倍的用户,并且受众明显年轻,这突出了将网站定位到特定受众并链接到已经建立声誉的网站的好处。需要采取“检查您的大麻”筛选器,才能进一步确定对实际大麻使用的影响。



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