首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice >Knowledge Assessment Responses in the ABFM Self-Assessment Modules (SAMs)

Knowledge Assessment Responses in the ABFM Self-Assessment Modules (SAMs)




id="p1">The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABFM) introduced self-assessment modules (SAMs) in 2004 with the implementation of Maintenance of Certification for Family Physicians. The SAMs consist of a 60-item knowledge assessment (KA, including multiple choice, multiple true/false, and fill-in-the-blank formats) with references followed by a clinical simulation keyed to the KA content.id="xref-ref-1-1" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-1">1 The KA items are organized according to competencies (eg, pharmacologic therapy, nonpharmacologic therapy, etc) defined during the SAM development process. ABFM currently offers SAMs covering asthma, care of the vulnerable elderly, cerebrovascular disease, early childhood illness, coronary artery disease, depression, diabetes, health behavior, heart failure, hypertension, maternity care, mental health in the community, pain management, preventive care, and well child care. A SAM covering hospital medicine will become available in September. id="p-2">During the first few months of use, diplomates tended to spend substantial time reading and studying the associated reference material before engaging the KA items. This approach led to quite lengthy SAM sessions (eg, diplomates reported spending an average of nearly 10 hours on the hypertension KA)id="xref-ref-1-2" class="xref-bibr" href="#ref-1">1 for a number of diplomates, which led ABFM staff to recommend to participants that they take the KA “cold” (ie, without preparation) the first time through. After this “first pass,” diplomates receive feedback and critiques for the missed items, which facilitates success on subsequent attempts. To successfully complete the KA, diplomates must answer correctly 80% of the items in each competency area. id="p-3">The ABFM purposefully creates the SAMs to present an in-depth and challenging exposure to the content area. The information technology platform allows the Board to capture and retain success rates on diplomates' first-pass attempts. Information technology staff have recently queried these results for all SAMs completed since 2004. The lowest average (15%) occurred with hypertension; the highest (54%) occurred with heart failure. The median for all the SAMs was 40%. The results for all the KAs appear in the id="xref-table-wrap-1-1" class="xref-table" href="#T1">Table. class="table pos-float" id="T1"> class="table-inline"> class="callout">>View this table: class="callout-links"> href="939/T1.expansion.html">In this window class="in-nw" href="939/T1.expansion.html">In a new window class="table-caption"> class="table-label">Table 1. class="caption-title">Results of the Knowledge Assessments class="sb-div caption-clear"> id="p-4">The results demonstrate that the KAs do indeed represent challenging material, as intended. Interestingly, despite the hypertension module's apparent difficulty, this SAM is the second most popular offering: as of the end of August, diplomates have completed nearly 42,000 hypertension SAMs (the diabetes SAM tops the list at 44,445 modules completed). id="p-5">Also, the recommended “cold” first-pass approach has anecdotally decreased substantially the time needed to complete the knowledge assessments (Gary Jackson, personal communication, August 31, 2012). id="p-6">The SAMs represent in-depth coverage of their respective content areas. Over the years since introducing Maintenance of Certification for Family Physicians, the ABFM has created a fairly broad portfolio of topics but has several additional offerings in the planning stages. In particular, we plan to develop in the coming year modules related to care transitions and medical genomics. Rest assured that these additional offerings will continue the tradition of up-to-date, in-depth, and challenging coverage of the subjects!
机译:id =“ p1”> 2004年,美国医学专业委员会(ABFM)引入了自我评估模块(SAMs),并实施了《家庭医师资格证书》。 SAM包括60项知识评估(KA,包括多项选择,多种对/错和填空格式),并带有参考文献,然后进行临床模拟,其重点是KA内容。 id =“ xref-ref-1-1” class =“ xref-bibr” href =“#ref-1”> 1 KA项目是根据能力(例如药物治疗,非药物疗法等)在SAM开发过程中定义。 ABFM当前提供的SAM涵盖哮喘,弱势老年人的护理,脑血管疾病,幼儿​​疾病,冠状动脉疾病,抑郁症,糖尿病,健康行为,心力衰竭,高血压,产妇保健,社区心理健康,疼痛管理,预防保健,以及良好的托儿服务。涵盖医院药物的SAM将于9月上市。 id =“ p-2”>在使用的头几个月中,外交官倾向于在参与KA项目之前花费大量时间阅读和研究相关的参考资料。这种方法导致了很长的SAM会议(例如,外交官报告说平均在高血压KA上花费了将近10个小时)。 id =“ xref-ref-1-2” class =“ xref-bibr” href = “#ref-1“> 1 代表了许多外交官,这促使ABFM的工作人员向参与者推荐他们第一次接受KA“冷”(即,没有准备)。在“首次通过”之后,外交官会收到对遗漏物品的反馈和批评,这有助于以后的尝试取得成功。要成功完成KA,外交官必须正确回答每个胜任力领域中80%的项目。 id =“ p-3”> ABFM故意创建SAM,以对内容区域进行深入而具有挑战性的展示。信息技术平台使董事会可以捕获和保留外交官首次通过的成功率。信息技术人员最近查询了2004年以来完成的所有SAM的这些结果。最低的平均值(15%)发生在高血压中。最高(54%)发生于心力衰竭。所有SAM的中位数为40%。所有KA的结果都显示在id="xref-table-wrap-1-1" class="xref-table" href="#T1">表中。 class =“ table pos-float” id =“ T1”> class =“ table-inline”> class =“ callout”> >查看此表: < ul class =“ callout-links”> href="939/T1.expansion.html">在此窗口中 class =“ in-nw” href =“ 939 / T1.expansion.html”>在新窗口中 class =“ table-caption”> class =“ table-label“>表1。 class =” caption-title“>知识评估的结果 class =” sb-div caption-clear“> id =“ p-4”>结果表明,KA确实确实代表了具有挑战性的材料。有趣的是,尽管高血压模块存在明显的困难,但该SAM是第二受欢迎的产品:截至8月底,外交官已完成了近42,000个高血压SAM(糖尿病SAM在完成的44,445个模块中名列榜首)。 id =“ p-5”>此外,推荐的“冷”首过方法大大减少了完成知识评估所需的时间(Gary Jackson,个人通讯,2012年8月31日)。 id =“ p-6”> SAM代表其各自内容区域的深入覆盖。自引入“家庭医生认证维护”以来,多年来,ABFM已经创建了相当广泛的主题组合,但在计划阶段还提供了其他几种产品。特别是,我们计划在明年开发与护理过渡和医学基因组学相关的模块。请放心,这些其他产品将继续保持主题的最新,深入和具有挑战性的报道!



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