首页> 外文期刊>The Lancet Planetary Health >Identification of risk factors associated with carriage of resistant Escherichia coli in three culturally diverse ethnic groups in Tanzania: a biological and socioeconomic analysis

Identification of risk factors associated with carriage of resistant Escherichia coli in three culturally diverse ethnic groups in Tanzania: a biological and socioeconomic analysis




BackgoundImproved antimicrobial stewardship, sanitation, and hygiene are WHO-inspired priorities for restriction of the spread of antimicrobial resistance. Prioritisation among these objectives is essential, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries, but the factors contributing most to antimicrobial resistance are typically unknown and could vary substantially between and within countries. We aimed to identify the biological and socioeconomic risk factors associated with carriage of resistantEscherichia coliin three culturally diverse ethnic groups in northern Tanzania.MethodsWe developed a survey containing more than 200 items and administered it in randomly selected households in 13 Chagga, Arusha, or Maasai villages chosen on the basis of ethnic composition and distance to urban centres. Human stool samples were collected from a subset of households, as were liquid milk samples and swabs of milk containers. Samples were processed and plated onto MacConkey agar plates, then presumptiveE coliisolates were identified on the basis of colony morphology. Susceptibility of isolates was then tested against a panel of nine antimicrobials (ampicillin, ceftazidime, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, kanamycin, streptomycin, sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, and trimethoprim) via a breakpoint assay. Susceptibility findings were matched with data across a wide range of household characteristics, including education, hygiene practices, wealth, livestock husbandry, and antibiotic use.FindingsBetween March 23, 2012, and July 30, 2015, we interviewed 391 households (118 Arusha, 100 Chagga, and 173 Maasai). Human stool samples were collected at 226 (58%) households across the 13 villages. 181 milk samples and 191 milk-container swabs were collected from 117 households across seven villages. 11?470 putativeE colisamples were isolated from stool samples. Antimicrobial use in people and livestock was not associated with prevalence of resistance at the household level. Instead, the factors with the greatest predictive value involved exposure to bacteria, and were intimately connected with fundamental cultural differences across study groups. These factors included how different subsistence types (pastoralistsvsfarmers) access water sources and consumption of unboiled milk, reflecting increased exposure to resistant bacteria in milk.InterpretationWhen cultural and ecological conditions favour bacterial transmission, there is a high likelihood that people will harbour antimicrobial-resistant bacteria irrespective of antimicrobial use practices. Public health interventions to limit antimicrobial resistance need to be tailored to local practices that affect bacterial transmission.FundingUS National Science Foundation; Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Medical Research Council; and the Allen School.
机译:背景技术改善抗菌素管理,环境卫生和个人卫生是世卫组织启发的限制抗菌素耐药性扩散的优先事项。这些目标之间的优先排序至关重要,尤其是在低收入和中等收入国家,但通常对抗菌素耐药性影响最大的因素尚不明确,并且在国家之间和国家内部可能存在很大差异。我们旨在确定与携带抗性大肠埃希菌的坦桑尼亚北部三个文化多样性族群相关的生物学和社会经济风险因素。方法我们开展了一项包含200多个项目的调查,并在13个查加,阿鲁沙或马赛村随机选择的家庭中进行了调查。根据种族组成和与城市中心的距离选择。人体粪便样本是从一个家庭子集中收集的,液体牛奶样本和牛奶容器拭子也是如此。处理样品并将其铺在MacConkey琼脂平板上,然后根据菌落形态鉴定推测的大肠埃希菌。然后通过断点测定法针对一组九种抗微生物药(氨苄青霉素,头孢他啶,氯霉素,环丙沙星,卡那霉素,链霉素,磺胺甲恶唑,四环素和甲氧苄啶)测试了分离物的敏感性。在2012年3月23日至2015年7月30日期间,我们采访了391户家庭(118名阿鲁沙,100名居民),将易感性调查结果与包括教育,卫生习惯,财富,畜牧业和抗生素使用在内的广泛家庭特征数据进行了匹配。 Chagga和173 Maasai)。在13个村庄的226个家庭中收集了人类粪便样本(58%)。从七个村庄的117户家庭中收集了181个牛奶样品和191个牛奶容器拭子。从粪便样品中分离出11〜470个推定的大肠杆菌样品。在人和牲畜中使用抗菌素与家庭水平的耐药性流行无关。取而代之的是,具有最大预测价值的因素涉及细菌的暴露,并且与各个研究组的基本文化差异密切相关。这些因素包括不同的生存类型(牧民和农民)如何获取水源和未煮熟的牛奶的消费,这反映了牛奶中耐药细菌的暴露增加。解释当文化和生态条件有利于细菌传播时,人们很可能会携带耐药细菌不论使用哪种抗生素。限制抗菌素耐药性的公共卫生干预措施必须适合影响细菌传播的当地实践。英国医学研究委员会生物技术和生物科学研究委员会;和艾伦学校。



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