首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Long-term Estradiol-17β Administration Decreases the Number of Neurons in the Caudal Mesenteric Ganglion Innervating the Ovary in Sexually Mature Gilts

Long-term Estradiol-17β Administration Decreases the Number of Neurons in the Caudal Mesenteric Ganglion Innervating the Ovary in Sexually Mature Gilts




The effect of estradiol-17β (E2) on the number and distribution of neurons in the caudal mesenteric ganglion (CaMG) supplying the ovary of adult pigs was investigated. Also, the numbers of ovarian dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DβH-), neuropeptide Y (NPY-), somatostatin (SOM-), galanin (GAL-) and estrogen receptor (ER)-immunoreactive perikarya as well as the density of the intraganglionic nerve fibers containing DβH and/or NPY, SOM, GAL were determined. E2 was administered i.m. from day 4 of the first studied estrous cycle to the expected day 20 of the second studied cycle. Injections of E2 (1) increased the E2 level in the peripheral blood approximately 4-5 fold, (2) decreased the number of small-sized Fast Blue-positive postganglionic neurons in the CaMG, (3) decreased the number of small perikarya in the ventral, dorsal and central regions of the CaMG, (4) decreased the number of large perikarya in the dorsal and central regions, (5) decreased the number of small and large perikarya in the CaMG that were DβH+/NPY+, (6) decreased the number of small DβH+ but NPY- perikarya, (7) decreased the number of small perikarya coded DβH+/SOM+ and DβH+/SOM-, (8) decreased the number of small DβH+/GAL- perikarya, (9) decreased the number of small and large perikarya expressing ER subtypes α and β and (10) decreased the total number of nerve fibers in the CaMG containing DβH and/or NPY and DβH and/or GAL. These results show that long-term E2 treatment of adult gilts downregulates the populations of both noradrenergic and ERs expressing ovarian neurons in the CaMG. Our findings suggest also that elevated E2 levels that occur during pathological states may regulate gonadal function(s) by affecting ovary supplying neurons.
机译:研究了雌二醇-17β(E 2 )对成年猪卵巢尾部肠系膜神经节(CaMG)神经元数量和分布的影响。此外,卵巢多巴胺-β-羟化酶(DβH-),神经肽Y(NPY-),生长抑素(SOM-),甘丙肽(GAL-)和雌激素受体(ER)的免疫反应性骨核膜的数量以及密度确定含有DβH和/或NPY,SOM,GAL的神经节内神经纤维。 E 2 于当日给药。从第一个研究的发情周期的第4天到第二个研究的发情周期的预期第20天。注射E 2 (1)使外周血中E 2 的水平升高约4-5倍,(2)减少了小型Fast Blue阳性的数量CaMG的神经节后神经元,(3)减少了CaMG腹侧,背侧和中部小皮核的数目,(4)减少了背侧和中部大皮核的数目,(5) CaMG中大小为DβH + / NPY + 的小核周生物,(6)减少了小DβH + 的数目,但NPY -周核生物,(7)减少了编码为DβH + / SOM + 和DβH + / SOM < sup>-,(8)减少了小DβH + / GAL -周生果核的数量,(9)减少了表达ER的大小周生核的大小α和β亚型和(10)减少了含有DβH和/或NPY和DβH和/或GAL的CaMG中神经纤维的总数。这些结果表明,成年后备母猪的长期E 2 处理下调了CaMG中表达卵巢神经元的去甲肾上腺素能和ER的数量。我们的发现还表明,病理状态下发生的E 2 水平升高可能通过影响卵巢供应神经元来调节性腺功能。



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