首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Cryopreservation of Primordial Germ Cells by Rapid Cooling of Whole Zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) Embryos

Cryopreservation of Primordial Germ Cells by Rapid Cooling of Whole Zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) Embryos

机译:通过整个斑马鱼(Danio rerio)胚胎的快速冷却冷冻保存原始生殖细胞。



The feasibility of cryopreservation of zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) primordial germ cells (PGCs) by rapid cooling ( i.e. , vitrification) of dechorionated whole embryos at the 14- to 20-somite stage was investigated. Initially, we examined the glass-forming properties and embryo toxicities of six cryoprotectants: methanol (MeOH), ethylene glycol (EG), glycerol (GC), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), propylene glycol (PG) and 1,3-butylene glycol (1,3-BG). According to the results of glass-forming and embryo toxicity tests, pretreatment solution (PS) containing 2 or 3 M cryoprotectant and vitrification solution (VS) containing 5 M cryoprotectant and 0.5 M sucrose were prepared using each cryoprotectant. Dechorionated embryos, the PGCs of which were visualized by injection of green fluorescence protein- nos1 3'UTR mRNA, were cooled rapidly by plunging into liquid nitrogen after serial exposure to PS and VS. All embryos cooled with MeOH, PG and 1,3-BG showed ice formation during cooling, and few embryos had live PGCs after warming. Most embryos cooled with GC did not show ice formation; however, few embryos had live PGCs. All embryos cooled with EG and most embryos cooled with DMSO had live PGCs when the embryos did not show ice formation during cooling. Based on the number of live PGCs in fresh embryos, the maximum survival rates of PGCs recovered from embryos cooled with EG and DMSO were estimated to be about 40 and 20%, respectively. The present study indicates that rapid cooling of dechorionated whole embryos, especially using EG-based solutions, could be utilized as a simple and promising tool for cryopreservation of PGCs.
机译:研究了通过快速冷却(即玻璃化)处于14至20裂变阶段的去绒毛的完整胚胎冷冻保存斑马鱼(Danio rerio)原始生殖细胞(PGC)的可行性。最初,我们检查了六种防冻剂的玻璃形成特性和胚胎毒性:甲醇(MeOH),乙二醇(EG),甘油(GC),二甲基亚砜(DMSO),丙二醇(PG)和1,3-丁二醇(1,3-BG)。根据玻璃形成和胚胎毒性测试的结果,使用每种冷冻保护剂制备包含2或3 M冷冻保护剂的预处理溶液(PS)和包含5 M冷冻保护剂和0.5 M蔗糖的玻璃化溶液(VS)。通过注入绿色荧光蛋白-nos1 3'UTR mRNA可以看到PGC的去皮化胚胎,通过连续暴露于PS和VS中并浸入液氮中迅速冷却。用MeOH,PG和1,3-BG冷却的所有胚胎在冷却过程中均显示出冰的形成,并且加热后很少有活的PGC。用GC冷却的大多数胚胎没有显示出冰的形成。然而,很少有胚胎具有活的PGC。当胚胎在冷却过程中没有显示出冰的形成时,所有用EG冷却的胚胎和大多数用DMSO冷却的胚胎都有活的PGC。根据新鲜胚胎中活的PGC的数量,从用EG和DMSO冷却的胚胎中回收的PGC的最大存活率分别估计为约40%和20%。本研究表明,快速冷却去绒毛的完整胚胎,特别是使用基于EG的解决方案,可以用作PGC冷冻保存的简单且有希望的工具。



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