首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Female Fertility in French Dairy Breeds: Current Situation and Strategies for Improvement

Female Fertility in French Dairy Breeds: Current Situation and Strategies for Improvement




In most countries where genetic selection for milk production has been conducted, a continuous degradation of reproductive performances has been observed in dairy cattle. This paper describes the phenotypic evolution of fertility traits in France for the main 3 dairy breeds and the different actions undertaken to counteract this unfavourable evolution of reproductive performance. In 2001, functional traits (including conception rate as a fertility trait) have been included into the French total merit index ISU, to take these traits into account in the selection objective. In addition, a marker-assisted selection (MAS) program has been developed since 2001. Through this approach, a set of QTL related to fertility traits were identified using the phenotypic information for fertility collected on a national basis. Fine mapping of these QTL let to their introduction in 2008 in genomic evaluation and the routine selection for fertility traits in breeding schemes. This approach will evolve in the near future through the inclusion of results of several genomic research programs that were conducted either in station or under field conditions aiming at identifying genes and pathways controlling cattle fertility (based on genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics) and at enhancing phenotyping for reproductive performance. The paper describes the general approach behind these evolutions, the expected benefits of genomic selection and first results. Information on the potential use of reproductive technologies that may improve the efficiency of multiple trait genomic selection are also presented.
机译:在大多数已经进行了产奶遗传选择的国家中,奶牛的繁殖性能持续下降。本文介绍了法国3个主要奶牛品种的生育性状的表型演变,以及为应对这种不利的生殖性能演变而采取的不同行动。 2001年,功能性特征(包括受孕率作为生育性状)已被纳入法国总绩效指数ISU,以在选择目标中考虑这些特征。此外,自2001年以来,已经开发了标记辅助选择(MAS)程序。通过这种方法,使用了在全国范围内收集的生育表型信息,鉴定了一组与生育性状有关的QTL。这些QTL的精细图谱使其于2008年在基因组评估和育种方案中育性性状的常规选择中引入。这种方法将在不久的将来通过包括在站内或野外条件下进行的几个基因组研究计划的结果而发展,这些计划旨在确定控制牛繁殖力的基因和途径(基于基因组学,转录组学和蛋白质组学)并增强表型生殖能力。本文介绍了这些进化背后的一般方法,基因组选择的预期收益和初步结果。还介绍了可能提高多性状基因组选择效率的生殖技术的潜在使用信息。



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