首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the South African Veterinary Association >Chronic episodic diarrhoea associated with apparent intestinal colonisation by the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida famata in a German shepherd dog : case report

Chronic episodic diarrhoea associated with apparent intestinal colonisation by the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida famata in a German shepherd dog : case report




A 3-year-old German shepherd dog was presented with a history of lifelong episodic diarrhoea. An adverse reaction to food was considered the most likely cause of the diarrhoea. The dog had received prolonged antibiotic therapy for most of its life as well as receiving probiotics containing the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (syn. S. boulardi ) for a year before referral. The probiotic was discontinued 2 months before to referral. Examination and culture of faecal samples identified yeast-like organisms, S. cerevisiae and Candida famata . S. cerevisiae has been isolated from humans in association with predisposing conditions such as prolonged sojourns in hospital, immunosuppression, broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy and prosthetic devices, but is regarded as non-pathogenic in humans and is rarely associated with disease in animals. C. famata has been isolated from animals, humans and the environment, but is regarded as a very rare pathogen. No evidence of immunosuppression was found in the dog. The presence of yeasts in the faecal isolates and the history of prolonged use of antibiotics and probiotics with a concurrent adverse reaction to food, suggest that conditions may have occurred within the bowel that made it possible for the yeasts to colonise parts of it. This has apparently not been reported before.
机译:介绍了3岁的德国牧羊犬,有终身发作性腹泻史。对食物的不良反应被认为是最可能引起腹泻的原因。在转诊之前的一年中,这只狗已经接受了延长的抗生素治疗,并且还接受了含有酿酒酵母(S. boulardi酵母​​)的益生菌。在转诊前2个月停用益生菌。粪便样品的检查和培养鉴定出酵母样生物,酿酒酵母和假丝酵母。酿酒酵母已从人类中分离出与易感性疾病有关,例如长期住院,免疫抑制,广谱抗生素治疗和修复装置,但被认为是人类非致病性的,很少与动物疾病相关。已经从动物,人类和环境中分离出C. famata,但被认为是一种非常罕见的病原体。在狗中没有发现免疫抑制的证据。粪便分离物中存在酵母菌,以及长期使用抗生素和益生菌并同时对食物产生不良反应的历史,这表明肠内可能已发生条件,这使得酵母菌可能在其肠内定殖。显然以前没有报告过。



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