首页> 外文期刊>The Korean Journal of Parasitology >Isolation and identification of Cryptosporidium from various animals in Korea. I. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium in various animals

Isolation and identification of Cryptosporidium from various animals in Korea. I. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium in various animals




Cryptosporidium, a coccidian protozoa, commonly causes a self-limiting diarrheal illness in humans and animals. Fecal samples from various animals in Chonbuk district were observed using Sheather's flotation technique, Kinyoun's modified acid-fast staining, and osmic acid pre-fixed Giemsa staining. The oocysts were detected in 74 cages (29.6%) out of 250 cages of mature mice, 26 (13.3%) out of 195 mature house rats, 75(15.0%) out of 4-week-old 500 fowls, 98(19.9%) out of 6 to 8-month-old 500 pigs, and 111(22.2%) out of 2 to 5-year-old 500 dairy cattle, respectively. The degree of prevalence was slight in general, but actual prevalence was higher than infection rate because the detection rates were higher in repeated-preparation examinations in comparison to the first examination. Meanwhile, large and small types of oocysts were detected from mice, house rats, pigs, and cattle, and medium type from fowls.
机译:隐孢子虫是球虫的原生动物,通常会在人类和动物中引起自限性腹泻病。使用Sheather的浮选技术,Kinyoun改良的耐酸染色和渗透酸预先固定的Giemsa染色,观察了春北地区各种动物的粪便样本。在250只笼中的成熟小鼠中检出卵囊(29.6%),在195只成熟家鼠中的26只(13.3%),在4周龄的500只家禽中检出了卵囊(98%(19.9%),%) )分别占6至8个月大的500头猪和2至5岁大的500头奶牛中的111头(22.2%)。总体上患病率很小,但实际患病率高于感染率,因为与第一次检查相比,重复准备检查的检出率更高。同时,从小鼠,家鼠,猪和牛中检测到大小的卵囊,而从禽类中检测到中型。



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