首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science >Relationship among Seminal Characteristics, Fertility and Suitability for Semen Preservation in Draft Stallions

Relationship among Seminal Characteristics, Fertility and Suitability for Semen Preservation in Draft Stallions




References(22) Cited-By(6) Seminal characteristics, fertility and the response to semen preservation (liquid storage and cryopreservation) were evaluated in 4 Draft stallions (Percheron 2, Breton 2). Seminal characteristics (gel-free volume, sperm concentration, sperm morphology, percentage of motile spermatozoa) were assessed in 5 ejaculates from each of the 4 stallions. The fertility of the stallions was calculated retrospectively as the accumulated pregnancy rate over 3 breeding seasons. Five ejaculates from each of the stallions were subjected to liquid storage at 5°C. The percentage of motile spermatozoa (PMS) was assessed at 0, 24, 48 and 72 hr. Cryopreservation was done with a glucose-EDTA-lactose egg yolk extender and a skim milk-based extender containing clarified egg yolk (4 replicates per stallion). PMS and the percentage of spermatozoa with an intact plasma membrane (IPM) were evaluated before and after freezing. Although semen charatcteristics and fertility were within a physiological range, significant differences among stallions were found for gel-free volume, percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa, PMS, and fertility but there was no clear relationship between these parameters. The response to liquid storage of diluted semen samples differed among stallions and best results were obtained in a stallion with the highest initial motility. The freezability of semen from the 4 stallions was poor with both of the freezing protocols (PMS range 13.8%-26.3% ; IPM range 19.5%-38.0%). Results of liquid storage and cryopreservation were not correlated in individual stallions and were not related to their fertility. Since predictability for the response to semen preservation is low, the suitability of individual stallions for semen preservation has to be examined carefully. To improve the freezability of semen from Draft stallions, currently employed standard Protocols for cryopreservation need to be modified.
机译:参考文献(22)被引(6)精液特性,繁殖力和对精液保存(液体保存和冷冻保存)的反应在4种公马(Percheron 2,布雷顿2)中进行了评估。在4种公马中的5种精液中评估了精液的特性(无凝胶体积,精子浓度,精子形态,活动精子的百分比)。回顾性地计算出种马的育性,作为三个繁殖季节的累积妊娠率。将来自每种种马的五种射精在5℃下进行液体储存。在0、24、48和72小时评估活动精子(PMS)的百分比。使用葡萄糖-EDTA-乳糖蛋黄增量剂和含有澄清蛋黄的脱脂奶基增量剂(每个种马重复4次)进行冷冻保存。在冷冻之前和之后评估PMS和具有完整质膜(IPM)的精子的百分比。尽管精液的特性和受精能力在生理范围内,但种马之间的无凝胶体积,精子形态正常百分率,PMS和受精率之间存在显着差异,但这些参数之间没有明确的关系。稀释精液样品对液体存储的反应在种马中有所不同,并且在初始活力最高的种马中获得了最佳结果。两种冷冻方案的4种种精液的冷冻能力均较差(PMS范围为13.8%-26.3%; IPM范围为19.5%-38.0%)。个别种马的液体储存和冷冻保存结果无关,并且与它们的繁殖力无关。由于对精液保存反应的可预测性较低,因此必须仔细检查各个种马对精液保存的适用性。为了提高种公羊精液的可冷冻性,需要修改当前使用的冷冻保存标准协议。



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