首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Nuclear Medicine >Postsurgical Cerebral Perfusion Changes in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: A Statistical Parametric Mapping Study of SPECT Images

Postsurgical Cerebral Perfusion Changes in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: A Statistical Parametric Mapping Study of SPECT Images




id="p-1">Our goal was to study cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes after surgery in a group of 15 patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). >Methods: We used hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime SPECT and statistical parametric mapping (SPM), an image analysis method that does not require prior selection of regions of interest. >Results: Our study showed areas of significant increase in perfusion in specific regions of both frontal lobes and the right parietal lobe. Regions of increased perfusion were found in the left prefrontal dorsolateral areas (Brodmanna€?s areas 9 and 45 or 47), right frontal premotor area (Brodmanna€?s area 44), right medial prefrontal region (Brodmanna€?s area 10 or 32), right frontal white matter area (superior longitudinalis fasciculus), and right basal ganglia (lenticular nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus). In the right hemisphere, another region of increased perfusion was found in the inferior parietal lobule (Brodmanna€?s area 40). The 2 areas most related to clinical improvement were Brodmanna€?s area 32 and the frontal part of the left lobule of Reil insula. >Conclusion: The results obtained with the SPM method of image analysis confirm and expand on previous CBF literature in NPH, with specific CBF regions located in frontal and parietal areas that improve after surgery in idiopathic NPH.
机译:id =“ p-1”>我们的目标是研究15例特发性正常压力脑积水(NPH)患者术后的脑血流量(CBF)变化。 >方法:我们使用了六甲基丙胺肟SPECT和统计参数映射(SPM),这是一种图像分析方法,不需要事先选择感兴趣的区域。 >结果:我们的研究显示额叶和右顶叶的特定区域的灌注显着增加。在左前额叶背外侧区域(Brodmanna的区域9和45或47),右额前运动区(Brodmanna的区域44),右前额前区域(Brodmanna的区域10或70)中发现了灌注增加的区域。 32),右额白质区(上纵筋膜)和右基底神经节(双凸状核,壳核和苍白球)。在右半球,在顶下小叶中发现了另一个灌注增加的区域(Brodmanna的40区)。与临床改善最相关的两个区域是Brodmanna区域32和Reil岛的左小叶额叶部分。 >结论:通过SPM图像分析方法获得的结果证实并扩展了NPH以前的CBF文献,特定的CBF区域位于额叶和顶叶区域,在特发性NPH手术后有所改善。



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