首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of general physiology >Impulse Origin and Propagation in a Bipolar Sensory Neuron

Impulse Origin and Propagation in a Bipolar Sensory Neuron




Intracellular recording techniques were used to study electrical activity in bipolar sensory cells associated with crayfish tactile receptors. Several lines of evidence indicate that spikes evoked by natural stimulation of the receptor originate at a dendritic locus. Although overshooting spikes are recorded in the soma in response to both natural and antidromic stimulation receptor potentials are observed only rarely, and, when present, their amplitude is less than 5 mv. Impulses propagating centrifugally into the soma following antidromic stimulation always exhibit an inflection in the rising phase of the spike; however, orthodromic spikes are usually uninflected. Occasionally, orthodromic responses (in the soma) exhibit rather unusual wave forms. Such spikes evoked by natural stimuli are indistinguishable from those elicited electrically in the dendrite, but they do not resemble antidromic impulses. Because the axonal and dendritic boundaries of the soma have a low safety factor for spike transmission, at high frequencies invasion of the soma by dendritic spikes is impeded and often blocked. The soma region can thus act as a low-pass filter. The significance of this self-limiting mechanism for the behavior of the animal is not known; it is suggested, however, that this impediment is a potentially critical one, and may, in other situations, have encouraged the evolution of alternative arrangements.
机译:细胞内记录技术用于研究与小龙虾触觉受体相关的双极感觉细胞的电活动。几条证据表明,受体自然刺激引起的尖峰起源于树突状位点。尽管响应于自然刺激和抗drodromic刺激,在躯体中记录到过高的尖峰,但很少观察到其电位,当存在时,其幅度小于5 mv。反激刺激后,离心地传播到躯体中的脉冲总是在峰值的上升阶段出现拐点。但是,矫形尖峰通常不弯曲。有时候,(躯体中的)矫正反应会表现出非常不寻常的波形。这种由自然刺激诱发的尖峰与在树突状结构中电诱发的尖峰无法区分,但它们与反冲动脉冲不相似。由于体细胞的轴突和树突边界对尖峰传输的安全系数较低,因此在高频下,树突状尖峰对体细胞的入侵会受到阻碍,并且通常会受到阻碍。体区域因此可以用作低通滤波器。这种自我限制机制对动物行为的重要性尚不清楚;但是,有人建议说,这一障碍是潜在的关键因素,在其他情况下可能鼓励了替代安排的发展。



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