首页> 外文期刊>Przeglad Dermatologiczny >Benign nail apparatus tumours in the material of the Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology Department of the Medical University of Gdańsk

Benign nail apparatus tumours in the material of the Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology Department of the Medical University of Gdańsk




Introduction . The epidemiology of nail apparatus tumours is not well known. They are frequently misdiagnosed because of their uncharacteristic clinical features. Objective . Evaluation the frequency and nature of nail apparatus tumours in the Northern Polish population. Material and methods . 1588 patients with various nail apparatus pathology who were diagnosed and treated in the Department of Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology of the Medical University of Gdansk from 2005 to 2010 were included in the study and 129 cases of nail apparatus tumours were diagnosed. Results . Tumours represent about 8% of nail pathology. In the majority of cases (92%) they are benign. Most frequently melanocytic lesions (41%), osteocartilaginous tumours, fibrous tumours and myxoid pseudocysts were diagnosed. The most common malignant tumour was melanoma. Conclusions . Nail apparatus tumours in the Northern Poland population are observed quite often. In the majority of cases they are benign. Diagnosis of melanocytic lesions is very important because of risk of melanoma.
机译:介绍 。指甲器肿瘤的流行病学还不清楚。由于其不典型的临床特征,它们经常被误诊。目标。评价北部波兰人口中指甲用具肿瘤的发生频率和性质。材料与方法 。 2005年至2010年在格但斯克医科大学皮肤病学,性病学和变应性学部门诊断和治疗的1588例各种指甲器械病理学患者被纳入研究,诊断出129例指甲器械肿瘤。结果。肿瘤约占指甲病理的8%。在大多数情况下(92%),它们是良性的。最常见的是诊断出黑素细胞病变(41%),骨软骨肿瘤,纤维瘤和粘液样假性囊肿。最常见的恶性肿瘤是黑色素瘤。结论。在波兰北部人群中经常观察到钉子器肿瘤。在大多数情况下,它们是良性的。由于黑素瘤的风险,黑素细胞病变的诊断非常重要。



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