首页> 外文期刊>The journal of headache and pain >EHMTI-0263. WHO step scheme into combination with a therapeutical local anesthesia (TLA), physiotherapy, TENs, phytotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture for chronically therapy resistant trigeminal neuralgia after Trang

EHMTI-0263. WHO step scheme into combination with a therapeutical local anesthesia (TLA), physiotherapy, TENs, phytotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture for chronically therapy resistant trigeminal neuralgia after Trang

机译:EHMTI-0263。 WHO分步方案与治疗性局部麻醉(TLA),物理疗法,TENs,植物疗法,穴位按摩,针灸相结合,用于治疗Trang后的慢性三叉神经痛



The Trigeminal neuralgia is associated with immense pains besides the destruction pains at myocardial infarction whose intensity makes the life to many of the patients concerned the hell, frequently leads with patients to suicide. The extremely therapy resistant pains got more tolerable, used for the preservation of the success and further recovery at continuation of the therapy in the four to paying attention-week treatment distance. With all patients the quality of life improved significantly because of the treatment and the pain diminution resulting from it. The therapy after mentioned WHO step scheme after Trang with PDA C2 - C4, Ganglion pterygopalatinum blockade, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, TENS, Phytotherapy, cupping, acupressure, acupuncture, could the chronically therapy resistant Trigeminal neuralgia remove the pat. at over 70% completely, obtain a recovery at the left to 70% of the original complaints, in which at first the started therapy was used accompanyingly furthermore until a longer pain reduction with Carbamazepin or Neurontin. This therapy has already helped Trigeminal neuralgia many patients therapy more resistantly with before. None of the patients given to therapy had to suffer from pains before unbearable for his furthermore so that the modified WHO step scheme after Trang means a new breakthrough in the treatment of the Trigeminal neuralgia. The therapy techniques are demonstrated in support of everyone understandably here. No conflict of interest.
机译:三叉神经痛除了伴有心肌梗塞的破坏性疼痛外,还伴有巨大的疼痛,其强度使许多有关患者的生活陷入地狱,并常常导致患者自杀。具有极强抗药性的疼痛变得更能忍受,用于保持成功,并在继续进行治疗的四个疗程中继续恢复至注意每周的治疗距离。对于所有患者而言,由于治疗以及由此带来的疼痛减轻,生活质量得到了显着改善。 Trang后提到的WHO WHO方案后的治疗与PDA C2-C4,神经节翼状pal肉,神经疗法,TENS,植物疗法,拔罐,穴位按摩,针灸相结合,可以抵抗慢性治疗的三叉神经痛。如果完全以70%以上的速度恢复,则可恢复至原发病率的70%左右的恢复水平,其中首先还开始使用开始的治疗,直至用卡马西平或Neurontin止痛时间更长。这种疗法以前已经帮助三叉神经痛的许多患者治疗了。接受治疗的患者没有一个在痛苦之前就不会遭受痛苦,因此Trang之后经过修改的WHO步骤计划意味着三叉神经痛治疗的新突破。可以理解的是,这里展示了治疗技术以支持所有人。没有利益冲突。



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