首页> 外文期刊>The journal of clinical investigation >Axon initial segment dysfunction in a mouse model of genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus

Axon initial segment dysfunction in a mouse model of genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus




Febrile seizures are a common childhood seizure disorder and a defining feature of genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+), a syndrome frequently associated with Na~(+) channel mutations. Here, we describe the creation of a knockin mouse heterozygous for the C121W mutation of the β1 Na~(+) channel accessory subunit seen in patients with GEFS+. Heterozygous mice with increased core temperature displayed behavioral arrest and were more susceptible to thermal challenge than wild-type mice. Wild-type β1 was most concentrated in the membrane of axon initial segments (AIS) of pyramidal neurons, while the β1(C121W) mutant subunit was excluded from AIS membranes. In addition, AIS function, an indicator of neuronal excitability, was substantially enhanced in hippocampal pyramidal neurons of the heterozygous mouse specifically at higher temperatures. Computational modeling predicted that this enhanced excitability was caused by hyperpolarized voltage activation of AIS Na~(+) channels. This heat-sensitive increased neuronal excitability presumably contributed to the heightened thermal seizure susceptibility and epileptiform discharges seen in patients and mice with β1(C121W) subunits. We therefore conclude that Na~(+) channel β1 subunits modulate AIS excitability and that epilepsy can arise if this modulation is impaired.
机译:高热性惊厥是一种常见的儿童性癫痫病,是遗传性癫痫的定义特征,高热性惊厥加(GEFS +)是一种通常与Na〜(+)通道突变相关的综合征。在这里,我们描述了在GEFS +患者中见到的β1Na〜(+)通道辅助亚基的C121W突变的敲入小鼠杂合子的产生。核心温度升高的杂合子小鼠表现出行为停滞,并且比野生型小鼠更容易受到热攻击。野生型β1最集中在锥体神经元的轴突起始节(AIS)膜中,而β1(C121W)突变亚基则未包括在AIS膜中。此外,AIS功能(神经元兴奋性的指标)在杂合小鼠的海马锥体神经元中特别是在较高温度下得到了显着增强。计算模型预测,这种增强的兴奋性是由AIS Na〜(+)通道的超极化电压激活引起的。这种热敏性增加的神经元兴奋性可能导致了在患有β1(C121W)亚基的患者和小鼠中出现的癫痫发作易感性和癫痫样放电增加。因此,我们得出的结论是,Na〜(+)通道β1亚基可调节AIS兴奋性,如果这种调节受到损害,则会出现癫痫病。


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