首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology >To Study The Efficacy Of Intravenous Esmolol, Lidocaine And Diltiazem In Attenuating Haemodynamic Response To Laryngoscopy And Intubation

To Study The Efficacy Of Intravenous Esmolol, Lidocaine And Diltiazem In Attenuating Haemodynamic Response To Laryngoscopy And Intubation




Hypertension and tachycardia have been reported since 1950 during intubation under light anesthesia. Increase in blood pressure and heart rate occurs most commonly from reflex sympathetic discharge in response to laryngotracheal stimulation. Hypertensive response of normal subjects to laryngoscopy and intubation might be enhanced and prove dangerous to hypertensive subjects. Various agents have been used to attenuate hypertensive response. Seventy five patients fulfilling eligibility criteria were included in study. The patients were randomly assigned to one of three groups of twenty five each through a computer generated number. Group A = received 1mg/ kg of esmolol intravenously (n=25), Group B = received 1.5mg/ kg of lidocaine intravenously (n=25), Group C = received 0.2mg/ kg of diltiazem intravenously (n=25). These agents were administered three minutes prior laryngoscopy. Patients were premedicated with fixed dose of injection fortwin and phenergan according to body weight and anesthesia was induced with thiopentone, intubation facilitated by use of succinylcholine. No surgical stimulation, analgesics or inhalational anesthetics were allowed till five minutes after intubation and haemodynamic parameter noted. The results were statistically analyzed. We concluded that esmolol in dose of 1 mg/kg intravenously 3 min prior to laryngoscopy and intubation prevented the rise in heart rate effectively. Esmolol was also effective in attenuating systolic blood pressure increase, diastolic blood pressure increase and increase in mean blood pressure except at 1 min after intubation whereas in comparison lidocaine and diltiazem were not that effective. Objectives Of Study To study the efficacy of intravenous esmolol, lidocaine, and diltiazem in attenuating haemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation. To study safety of intravenous esmolol, lidocaine, and diltiazem in attenuating haemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation. Introduction Hypertension and tachycardia have been reported since 1950 during intubation under light anesthesia (Burstein 1950, Forbes and Dally 1970)1. Tachycardia is the most common rhythm disturbance during anesthesia and surgery. Increase in blood pressure and heart rate occurs most commonly from reflex sympathetic discharge in response to laryngotracheal stimulation, which in turn leads to increase plasma norepinephrine concentration. Hill (1932)2 also concluded from ECG studies that arrhythmias were a feature of induction of anesthesia. Dingle (1966)3 and Forbes and Dally (1970)1 suggested that the hypertensive response of normal subjects to laryngoscopy and intubation might be enhanced and prove dangerous to hypertensive subjects. This sympathoadrenal response to laryngoscopy results in an increased cardiac work load which in turn may culminate in perioperative myocardial ischaemia and acute heart failure in susceptible individuals. This response is undesirable in any patient with heart disease undergoing surgery, irrespective of the nature of surgery. Various agents have been used to attenuate hypertensive response including :topical lignocaine – sprays, deeper plane of anesthesia – by inhalational agents, narcotics like fentanyl, alfentanil, sufentanil, remifentanyl, magnesium sulphate, ca-channel blockers, vasodilators like SNP and NTG. The topic of study was chosen because it has been noted previously by many workers that increase in blood pressure and heart rate that results from sympathetic discharge in response to laryngyotracheal stimulation may get further enhanced and prove dangerous to hypertensive and ischemic heart disease patients. Esmolol, (methyl 3-[4- [2 – hydroxyl – 3) isopropylamino) propoxyl] phenyl ] proprionate HCl) is a cardio selective water soluble ultrashort acting ?1 adrenergic receptor antagonist that can be administered only intravenously. Esmolol is rapidly hydrolysed by cytyoplasmic esterases in red blood cells, therefore has short elimination of approximatel
机译:自1950年以来,在轻度麻醉下进行插管时已有高血压和心动过速的报道。响应于喉气管刺激,反射性交感神经放电最常导致血压和心率升高。正常受试者对喉镜和插管的高血压反应可能会增强,并证明对高血压受试者是危险的。已经使用各种试剂来减轻高血压反应。符合资格标准的75位患者被纳入研究。通过计算机生成的数字将患者随机分为三组,每组二十五个。 A组=静脉内接受1mg / kg艾司洛尔(n = 25),B组=静脉内接受1.5mg / kg利多卡因(n = 25),C组=静脉内接受0.2mg / kg地尔硫卓(n = 25)。在喉镜检查前三分钟给予这些药物。根据体重给患者预注射固定剂量的双生子和苯那敏,并用硫代戊酮诱导麻醉,并通过使用琥珀酰胆碱促进插管。插管后五分钟直到出现血流动力学参数,才允许手术刺激,止痛药或吸入麻醉药。对结果进行统计分析。我们得出的结论是,在喉镜检查和插管前3分钟静脉注射艾司洛尔1 mg / kg剂量可有效防止心率上升。艾司洛尔在减缓收缩压升高,舒张压升高和平均血压升高方面也有效,除非在插管后1分钟,而相比之下,利多卡因和地尔硫卓则无效。研究目的研究静脉注射艾司洛尔,利多卡因和地尔硫卓在减轻对喉镜和插管的血液动力学反应中的功效。研究静脉注射艾司洛尔,利多卡因和地尔硫卓在减轻对喉镜和插管的血液动力学反应中的安全性。前言自1950年以来,已有报道在轻度麻醉下进行插管时出现高血压和心动过速(Burstein,1950; Forbes和Dally,1970)1。心动过速是麻醉和手术过程中最常见的心律失常。响应于喉气管刺激,反射性交感神经放电最常引起血压和心率的升高,进而导致血浆去甲肾上腺素浓度升高。 Hill(1932)2也从心电图研究得出结论,心律不齐是诱导麻醉的特征。 Dingle(1966)3和Forbes and Dally(1970)1建议正常人对喉镜和插管的高血压反应可能会增强,并证明对高血压受试者是危险的。这种对喉镜的交感肾上腺反应导致心脏工作负荷增加,继而可能导致易感个体围手术期心肌缺血和急性心力衰竭。不管手术的性质如何,这种反应在任何接受手术的心脏病患者中都是不希望的。各种药物已被用于减轻高血压反应,包括:吸入剂,麻醉剂(如芬太尼,阿芬太尼,舒芬太尼,瑞芬太尼,硫酸镁,ca通道阻滞剂,血管舒张剂,如SNP和NTG),包括局部用利多卡因-喷雾剂,更深的麻醉平面。选择该研究主题是因为先前许多工人已经注意到,喉气管刺激引起的交感神经放电引起的血压和心率升高可能会进一步增强,并被证明对高血压和缺血性心脏病患者具有危险。艾司洛尔,(3- [4- [2- [2-羟基-3]异丙基氨基甲基]丙氧基]苯基]丙酸酯盐酸盐)是一种心脏选择性水溶性超短效α1肾上腺素能受体拮抗剂,只能静脉内给药。艾司洛尔在红细胞中被细胞质酯酶迅速水解,因此消除了近似



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