首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Cardiovascular Research >Behavioral pattern, life style and socio economic status in elderly Normolipidemic Acute Myocardial Infarct Subjects - A case control study from South Asia

Behavioral pattern, life style and socio economic status in elderly Normolipidemic Acute Myocardial Infarct Subjects - A case control study from South Asia




BACKGROUND: Mortality due to CAD is increasing at an alarming rate in developing countries and it is going to be the largest killer by 2020. Major risk factors include rapid urbanization, physical inactivity, stressful employment and the personality of an individual, all of which act synergistically resulting in increased CAD rates. Though Indians have less conventional risk factors, they are more susceptible to this disease. The current study was focused on impact of behavioral aspects, lifestyle and physical activity influence on CAD, as these risk factors are not properly established by recent research. AIM: The study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of behavior, lifestyle and physical activity in predicting CAD risk in normolipidaemic acute myocardial infarct patients and to compare the findings with healthy subjects. SETTING & DESIGN: Lipid profile and behavioral aspects and lifestyles were determined in 165 normolipidaemic acute myocardial infarct patients and compared with 165 age/sex-matched controls. MATERIAL & METHODS: Total cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL-cholesterol were analyzed enzymatically using kits obtained from Randox Laboratories Limited, Crumlin, UK. Plasma LDL-cholesterol was determined from the values of total cholesterol and HDL- cholesterol using the Friedwald's formula. The lifestyle and behavioral aspects of the subjects were determined using pre-tested questionnaires. STATISTICS: The values were expressed as means ± standard deviation (SD) and data from patients and controls were compared using students 't'-test. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Lipid profiles were higher in case of patients than with controls .apart from HDL-c levels (p<.001), which were significantly lower in patients (p<.001). Patients had higher serum cholesterol and blood pressure compared to controls in each behavioral assessment parameters. Physical activity was found to be lower in patients compared to controls. Hyperactive, irrelevant thinkers and highly ambitious subjects had higher cholesterol and blood pressure in each category. Mostly the middle socioeconomic class was affected (71%) by AMI. In conclusion, our findings indicated a high prevalence of various behavioral risk factors among the myocardial infarct patients. Remedial measures are needed to minimize future morbidity burden and there by minimizing medical expenses. In regard to the risk factor of smoking, a strict public policy in restricting the behaviour and .cigarette distribution may be considered. Although the Government has taken steps in this regard, it is the individual and community who should reduce the risk factor, especially the high risk groups such as lower social status groups. Introduction Emerging epidemics of cardiovascular disease (CVD) have attracted attention as major causes of global disability and mortality [1] . In 1990, fifteen million deaths were attributable to CVD, and among those deaths 63% occurred in developing countries [2] . CVD (mainly heart disease and stroke) was responsible for approximately half of non communicable disease (NCD) mortality and one quarter of the NCD morbidity rate in 1999, mainly in low- and middle-income countries [3] . Ischemic heart disease and stroke are projected to increase further by 2020, and developing countries will experience the highest burden. The disease pattern is increasing drastically among Indians compared to the Westerners [45] . The CAD rates in India are almost four fold compared to the United States, which had similar rates in 1968 . CAD is expected to be the largest killer by 2015 [6]Although Indians have less conventional risk factors still we succumb to the claws of this disease [78] . Rapid urbanization, lifestyle modifications, demanding and stressful employment, sedentary lifestyle and low rates of physical activity have increased the risk of coronary artery disease. Prospective studies have indicated the risk of CVD is almost 50% increased due to stress induced at work [9] . Lowe
机译:背景:在发展中国家,由于CAD导致的死亡率正以惊人的速度增长,到2020年将成为最大的杀手。主要风险因素包括快速的城市化,缺乏体育活动,压力大的就业和个人个性,所有这些行为协同作用导致CAD率提高。尽管印度人的传统危险因素较少,但他们更容易患上这种疾病。当前的研究集中在行为方面,生活方式和身体活动对CAD的影响上,因为最近的研究没有正确确定这些风险因素。目的:该研究旨在评估行为,生活方式和体育锻炼对预测正常血脂性急性心肌梗死患者CAD风险的影响,并将其与健康受试者进行比较。设置与设计:确定了165名正常血脂性急性心肌梗死患者的血脂状况,行为方面以及生活方式,并与165个年龄/性别匹配的对照组进行了比较。材料与方法:使用购自英国克鲁姆林Randox Laboratories Limited的试剂盒,通过酶法分析总胆固醇,甘油三酸酯和HDL-胆固醇。使用弗里德瓦尔德公式由总胆固醇和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的值确定血浆低密度脂蛋白胆固醇。使用预先测试的问卷确定受试者的生活方式和行为方面。统计:值表示为平均值±标准差(SD),并使用学生t检验比较了来自患者和对照组的数据。结果与结论:除HDL-c水平(p <.001)外,患者的血脂水平比对照组高(p <.001)。在每个行为评估参数中,与对照组相比,患者的血清胆固醇和血压更高。与对照相比,发现患者的体育活动较低。多动,无关紧要的思想家和雄心勃勃的受试者在每个类别中的胆固醇和血压都较高。多数中产阶级受到AMI的影响(71%)。总之,我们的发现表明,心肌梗死患者中各种行为危险因素的患病率很高。需要采取补救措施以最大程度地减少未来的发病率负担,并通过最小化医疗费用。关于吸烟的危险因素,可以考虑采取严格的公共政策来限制行为和香烟分布。尽管政府已在这方面采取了步骤,但应由个人和社区来减少风险因素,特别是社会地位较低的群体等高风险群体。引言心血管疾病(CVD)的流行是引起全球残疾和死亡的主要原因[1]。 1990年,有1500万人死于心血管疾病,其中63%发生在发展中国家[2]。 CVD(主要是心脏病和中风)是1999年非传染性疾病(NCD)死亡率的一半,非传染性疾病发病率的四分之一,主要发生在中低收入国家[3]。缺血性心脏病和中风预计将在2020年进一步增加,而发展中国家将承受最大的负担。与西方人相比,印度人的疾病模式急剧增加[45]。与美国相比,印度的CAD汇率几乎是美国的四倍,后者在1968年也是如此。到2015年,CAD有望成为最大的杀手[6]尽管印度人的常规危险因素较少,但我们仍然屈服于这种疾病的爪子[78]。快速的城市化,生活方式的改变,艰苦而繁重的工作,久坐的生活方式和低运动量增加了冠心病的风险。前瞻性研究表明,由于工作中引起的压力,CVD的风险几乎增加了50%[9]。劳



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