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Left Ventricular Noncompaction: A Brief Review




Left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) is known by different names like noncompaction of ventricular myocardium, and ventricular trabeculation(1) .WHO classifies LVNC as unclassified cardiomyopathy(1,2,3,4,5);Etiopathogenesis LVNC is a rare type of cardiomyopathy characterized by spongy myocardium and results from arrest in endomyocardial morphogenesis. In the early embryonic period human heart consists of spongy meshwork of interwoven muscle fibers and trabeculae. These communicate through recesses with the ventricular cavity. The blood is supplied to the myocardium through these trabeculae resembling the circulation of nonmammalian vertebrates(6, 7). During sixth to eighth week of intrauterine life human heart undergoes compaction of this loose and honeycomb structure. The process of compaction proceeds from epicardium to the endocardium and from base to the apex. Arrest of compaction results in persistence of trabeculation and deep recesses(7). Noncompaction is usually isolated but rarely occurs in association with anomalous left coronary artery from pulmonary artery (ALCAPA), complex cyanotic heart diseases, right ventricular outflow tract and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and Eibsteins anomaly(8,9,10,11,12). It may be associated with Beckers and mitochondrial myopathy (13,14,15,16,17,18,19). The exact mechanism that leads to arrest of compaction is unclear but familial and genetic basis in some cases has been proposed (20,21,22). Familial cases account for almost 18% to 50 % of cases in various published series of cases. The inheritance in majority of such cases was autosomal dominant. X linked or mitochondrial transmission was also seen in few families(20,21,22,23).There are many studies done in the recent past that showed the genetic basis for left ventricular noncompaction. Various genes have been associated with LVNC. G4.5: This gene is located on Xq28 and was initially described in patients with Barth syndrome, some of whom were found to have Noncompaction of ventricular myocardium(20, 22, 24,25,26). Taffazins are products of G4.5 gene and are expressed in heart and muscle cells and their action is thought to take place in mitochondria(27, 28). FKB12: This gene modulates the release of calcium from sarcoplasmic reticulum by the ryonidine receptor 2, deletion of this gene mice models results in cardiomyopathy with features of noncompaction.(7, 22, 29) Alpha-Dystrobrevin: this gene was identified in Japanese with six members affected by NVM. Other genetic defects associated with NVM include mutations of LamininA/C, transcription factors NKX2.5 TBX5 .the locus 11p15 is associated with autosomal dominant NVM(20, 22, 26, 30).;Clinical manifestation The clinical manifestation of LVNC are not specific and include some major complications(31).The common manifestations of LVNC are heart failure (53%), ventricular tachycardia (41%) , sudden cardiac death (35%), cardioembolic events (24%) and syncope (18%)(31,32) .Ventricular arrhythmias are major and sometimes fatal complications in patients with LVNC(32). Other arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation and ventricular premature complexes were also found in patients with LVNC. Among children wolf parkinson white (WPW) pattern with or without supraventricular tachycardias is common. Signal averaged ECG(SAECG) reveals low amplitude late potentials in these patients, according to some authors the presence of late potentials correlate with disease severity and extent(33,34,35).Cardioembolic events occur independent of cardiac dimensions and function. The high prevalence of such events is thought to be due to development of mural thrombi within deep intertrabecullar spaces(36, 37). Nonspecific dysmorphic features like prominent forehead, strabismus, low set ears and micrognathia are observed in some children(38, 39).;Diagnostic Criterion Diagnosis can be made by echocardiography. Current echocardiograpic criterion for diagnosis typically includes the following three(40,41,42
机译:左心室不紧致(LVNC)有不同的名称,例如心室不紧致和心室小梁(1).WHO将LVNC归类为未分类的心肌病(1,2,3,4,5);病因LVNC是一种罕见的心肌病表现为海绵状心肌,其原因是心肌内膜形态发生停滞。在胚胎早期,人的心脏由交织的肌纤维和小梁的海绵状网状结构组成。这些通过凹槽与心室腔连通。血液通过这些小梁被输送到心肌,类似于非哺乳动物脊椎动物的循环(6,7)。在子宫内生活的第六至第八周,人的心脏经历了这种疏松蜂窝状结构的压实。压实过程从心外膜到心内膜,从基部到心尖。压实的阻滞导致小梁的持续存在和深凹(7)。非致密化通常是孤立的,但很少与肺动脉左冠状动脉异常(ALCAPA),复杂的紫otic性心脏病,右心室流出道和左心室流出道梗阻以及Eibsteins异常相关(8,9,10,11,12) 。它可能与Beckers和线粒体肌病有关(13,14,15,16,17,18,19)。导致压实的确切机制尚不清楚,但在某些情况下已提出家族和遗传基础(20,21,22)。在各种公开发表的病例中,家族病例占病例的近18%至50%。在大多数情况下,遗传是常染色体显性遗传。 X连锁或线粒体传播也很少见于家族(20,21,22,23)。最近有许多研究表明左心室不紧致的遗传基础。 LVNC与各种基因有关。 G4.5:该基因位于Xq28上,最初在Barth综合征患者中得到描述,其中一些人发现其心室心肌不紧密(20、22、24、25、26)。 Taffazins是G4.5基因的产物,在心脏和肌肉细胞中表达,其作用被认为发生在线粒体中(27,28)。 FKB12:该基因通过碱受体2调节肌浆网中钙的释放。该基因小鼠模型的缺失导致心肌病具有非紧实特征。(7,22,29)Alpha-Dystrobrevin:该基因在日语中被识别为六个成员受NVM影响。与NVM相关的其他遗传缺陷包括LamininA / C突变,转录因子NKX2.5 TBX5。基因座11p15与常染色体显性NVM相关(20、22、26、30).;临床表现LVNC的临床表现不是特异性的并包括一些重大并发症(31).LVNC的常见表现为心力衰竭(53%),室性心动过速(41%),心源性猝死(35%),心脏栓塞事件(24%)和晕厥(18%)( 31,32)。室性心律失常是LVNC患者的主要并发症,有时甚至是致命的并发症(32)。 LVNC患者中还发现了其他心律不齐,如房颤和室性早搏。在儿童中,伴有或不伴有室上性心动过速的狼帕金森白(WPW)模式很常见。一些作者认为,信号平均心电图(SAECG)在这些患者中显示出低幅度的晚期电位,晚期电位的存在与疾病的严重程度和程度相关(33,34,35)。心脏栓塞事件的发生与心脏的大小和功能无关。此类事件的高发率被认为是由于小梁间深部壁壁血栓的发展所致(36、37)。在某些儿童中观察到了非特异性的畸形特征,如前额突出,斜视,低落的耳朵和微棘皮症(38,39)。;诊断标准可通过超声心动图进行诊断。当前的超声心动图诊断标准通常包括以下三个(40,41,42



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