首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Health >An Exploratory Study of Local Food Affordability and Factors Related to Household Food Security and Food Purchasing Decisions

An Exploratory Study of Local Food Affordability and Factors Related to Household Food Security and Food Purchasing Decisions




Objectives: This study examined food affordability in Las Cruces, New Mexico and piloted instruments to explore factors in household food security and purchasing. Methods: Affordability was assessed at three retailers using the USDA Food Store Survey Inventory and Thrifty Food Plan index. Ninety-eight shoppers completed the short form of the USDA Household Food Security Scale, and two tools developed for the present study. Fischer's Exact Test was used to determine independence of food security status in relation to each variable of interest. Results: One retailer was affordable for families with young children; two were affordable for families with older children. Marital status was related to household food security. Some families classified as food secure according to USDA protocol reported not purchasing needed foods because of cost. Conclusions: There is room for community health promotion efforts to focus on helping divorced families maintain food security and for rethinking food security classification. The research reported in this article was supported by a Health Oriented Themes project grant from the Paso del Norte chapter of the Society for Public Health Education. Introduction Many factors influence food choice. Preference is a major reason for choosing certain foods over others ( 1 ), but far from the only reason. Given that food preferences develop during early childhood ( 2 ), even our tastes may not be under our control, and other factors are even less likely to be personally controllable. Because food choices are important for individual and population health, the federal government has developed educational materials for the public, and nutrition information standards for the food industry. Recent years have seen the design and implementation of federal dietary guidelines; laws mandating food label content; and other laws designed to increase public awareness of nutritional issues. In 1980, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (now the US Department of Health and Human Services [US DHHS]) established the first dietary guidelines for the nation ( 3 ). The newest edition emphasizes a semi-personalized approach to diet ( 4 ), offering consumers even more information with which to make healthy decisions.With information, though, has come less activity for most Americans and an increasingly processed diet marketed to our desires for familiar, easily prepared, and tasty food. The food industry devotes 20 times the USDA education expenditure to advertising, primarily promoting processed and packaged foods ( 5 ). While some may argue food choices remain personal choices, this imbalance obviously influences those choices.Food choices, and barriers people face regarding them, are more critical than ever. In the United States, 65% of adults were overweight or obese in 2002 ( 6 ). No distinction is made between obesity and overweight in children; however, between 1999 and 2000, 15% of children (aged 6 to 11) and 15% of adolescents (aged 12 to 19) were overweight ( 7 , 8 ). The number of overweight adults and children, with accompanying risks of chronic disease, has increased dramatically in the past four decades, with most of the change since 1990 ( 9 , 8 , 7 ). This rapid change and concurrent research findings suggest that environment may be more influential than genetics ( 10 , 11 , 12 ).In light of easy access to nutrition information, poor food choices by a majority of the population likely reflect other factors. While dietary problems are not limited to people of low socioeconomic status, diet-related diseases increasingly are recognized as health disparities ( 13 ). Thus, exploring socioeconomic factors and associated barriers may help to inform new interventions. In a rich country with relatively low unemployment, inadequate access to nutritious food might seem irrelevant in public health campaign outcomes. However, the federal government has been monito
机译:目标:这项研究检查了新墨西哥州拉斯克鲁塞斯市的食品承受能力,并试行了一些工具来探讨家庭食品安全和购买的因素。方法:使用美国农业部食品商店调查库存和节俭食品计划指数对三家零售商的承受能力进行了评估。 98位购物者完成了美国农业部家庭食品安全量表的简称,并为本研究开发了两种工具。 Fischer的精确检验用于确定与每个关注变量相关的食品安全状态的独立性。结果:一个有小孩的家庭负担得起的零售商;两个有大孩子的家庭负担得起的。婚姻状况与家庭粮食安全有关。根据USDA协议,一些被归类为食品安全的家庭报告说,由于成本原因,他们没有购买所需的食物。结论:社区健康促进工作有空间集中于帮助离婚家庭维持粮食安全和重新考虑粮食安全分类。本文报道的研究得到了公共卫生教育协会Paso del Norte分会面向健康主题项目的资助。简介许多因素影响食物的选择。偏爱是选择某些食物而不是其他食物的主要原因(1),但并非唯一原因。考虑到在儿童早期就开始偏爱食物(2),即使我们的口味也可能不受我们的控制,其他因素甚至更不可能是个人可控制的。由于选择食物对个人和人群的健康至关重要,因此联邦政府已经为公众开发了教育材料,并为食品行业开发了营养信息标准。近年来,联邦饮食指南的设计和实施;规定食品标签内容的法律;以及旨在提高公众对营养问题认识的其他法律。 1980年,美国农业部(USDA)和美国卫生,教育与福利部(现为美国卫生与公众服务部[US DHHS])为美国制定了第一份饮食指南(3)。最新版本强调饮食的半个人化方法(4),为消费者提供更多信息,以帮助他们做出健康的决定。尽管如此,对于大多数美国人而言,信息活动减少了,而随着人们对熟食的渴望,人们越来越多地加工饮食,容易准备且美味的食物。食品工业将20倍于USDA教育支出用于广告宣传,主要是宣传加工和包装食品(5)。尽管有些人可能会说食物选择仍然是个人选择,但这种失衡显然会影响这些选择。食物选择以及人们在选择食物时面临的障碍比以往任何时候都更为关键。在美国,2002年有65%的成年人超重或肥胖(6)。肥胖与儿童超重之间没有区别;然而,在1999年至2000年之间,有15%的儿童(6至11岁)和15%的青少年(12至19岁)超重(7,8)。在过去的四十年中,伴随着慢性病风险的超重成年人和儿童数量急剧增加,自1990年以来发生了大部分变化(9,8,7)。这种迅速的变化和同时发生的研究结果表明,环境可能比遗传学更具影响力(10、11、12)。鉴于容易获得营养信息,大多数人口对食物的选择不当很可能反映了其他因素。尽管饮食问题不仅限于社会经济地位低下的人,但与饮食相关的疾病日益被认为是健康差异(13)。因此,探索社会经济因素和相关障碍可能有助于提供新的干预措施。在一个失业率相对较低的富裕国家,获得营养食品的不足似乎与公共卫生运动的成果无关。但是,联邦政府一直是monito



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