首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care >Symptom Control And Palliative Care Used In Patients Affected By Kaposi Sarcoma In Vryheid Hospital

Symptom Control And Palliative Care Used In Patients Affected By Kaposi Sarcoma In Vryheid Hospital




Thirty nine patients were diagnosed histological as sarcomas in Vryheid District Hospital since October 2004 until March 2008, in Kwazulu Natal Province Republic of South Africa. From these 39 patients 27 had been suffered from Kaposi's sarcoma disease. The clinical features found in these patients as well as the pain, symptom control and palliative care done in those at district rural hospital level are exposed. The prognosis of patients was better proportionally with the proper adherence of the relevant protocols, as well as the level of family and community support to them. Introduction Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a tumor caused by Human herpes virus 8 (HHV8), also known as Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (KSHV). It was originally described by Moritz Kaposi, a Hungarian dermatologist practicing at the University of Vienna in 1872.[1] It became more widely known as one of the AIDS defining illnesses in the 1980s.KS lesions are nodules or blotches that may be red, purple, brown, or black, and are usually papular (i.e. palpable or raised).They are typically found on the skin, but spread elsewhere is common, especially the mouth, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract. Growth can range from very slow to explosively fast, and is associated with significant mortality and morbidity.[2]Despite its name, it is generally not considered a true sarcoma, which is a tumor arising from mesenchymal tissue. KS actually arises as a cancer of lymphatic endothelium and forms vascular channels that fill with blood cells, giving the tumor its characteristic bruise-like appearance.KS lesions contain tumor cells with a characteristic abnormal elongated shape, called spindle cells. The tumor is highly vascular, containing abnormally dense and irregular blood vessels, which leak red blood cells into the surrounding tissue and give the tumor its dark color. Inflammation around the tumor may produce swelling and pain.Although KS may be suspected from the appearance of lesions and the patient's risk factors, a definite diagnosis can only be made by biopsy and microscopic examination, which will show the presence of spindle cells. Detection of the viral protein LANA in tumor cells confirms the diagnosis.Vryheid District Hospital is located into the rural area in Abaqulusi Municipality, Zululand – Ulundi DC-26 Kwazulu Natal Province Republic of South Africa. It is known the high incidence and prevalence of HIV – AIDS in this area, that why as a logical consequence an increasing number of HIV – AIDS relatives' diseases are found. Vryheid Hospital has an organized CDC and Anti Retroviral Treatment Program instituted; it works in close coordination with Surgical, Natural & Bioenergetics and Pathologic Services. Kaposi's sarcoma is not curable, in the usual sense of the word, but it can often be effectively palliated for many years and this is the aim of treatment... In KS associated with immunodeficiency or immunosuppressant, treating the cause of the immune system dysfunction can slow or stop the progression of KS. In 40% or more of patients with AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma, the Kaposi lesions will shrink upon first starting highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). However, in a certain percentage of such patients, Kaposi's sarcoma may again grow after a number of years on HAART, especially if HIV is not completely suppressed. Before the AIDS epidemic, Kaposi's sarcoma was seen primarily in elderly Italian and Jewish men, and rarely, in elderly women. Among this group, the tumors developed slowly. In AIDS patients, the cancer can develop very fast, and may also involve the skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and other organs. The visceral lesions are generally asymptomatic and are most often discovered only at autopsy, though clinically, gastrointestinal bleeding can occur. As many as 33% of the patients with classic KS develop a second primary malignancy, which is most often non-Hodgkin lymphoma. [3,4,5]Pain, one of the most common
机译:自2004年10月至2008年3月,在南非夸祖鲁纳塔尔省的Vryheid地区医院,共有39名被诊断为肉瘤的组织学患者。在这39名患者中,有27名患有卡波济肉瘤病。这些患者的临床特征以及在地区农村医院一级患者的疼痛,症状控制和姑息治疗均暴露无遗。正确遵守相关规程以及家庭和社区对他们的支持程度,可以使患者的预后成正比。简介卡波西氏肉瘤(KS)是由人类疱疹病毒8(HHV8)引起的肿瘤,也称为卡波西氏肉瘤相关疱疹病毒(KSHV)。它最初是由1872年在维也纳大学执业的匈牙利皮肤科医生Moritz Kaposi所描述的。[1]它是1980年代定义为AIDS的一种疾病,KS病变是结节或斑点,可能是红色,紫色,棕色或黑色,通常为丘疹(即可触及的或凸起的)。皮肤,但扩散到其他地方很常见,尤其是口腔,胃肠道和呼吸道。生长的范围从非常缓慢到爆发性快速,并伴随着显着的死亡率和发病率。[2]尽管其名字,它通常不被认为是真正的肉瘤,它是由间充质组织引起的肿瘤。 KS实际上是作为淋巴管内皮细胞的癌症而产生的,并形成充满血细胞的血管通道,使肿瘤具有特征性的瘀伤样外观。KS病变包含具有特征性异常细长形状的肿瘤细胞,称为梭形细胞。肿瘤是高度血管性的,包含异常密集和不规则的血管,这些血管将红细胞泄漏到周围组织中并赋予肿瘤暗色。肿瘤周围的炎症可能会导致肿胀和疼痛。尽管可能从病变的外观和患者的危险因素中怀疑KS,但只有通过活检和显微镜检查才能明确诊断,这将显示梭形细胞的存在。对肿瘤细胞中病毒蛋白LANA的检测证实了诊断。Vryheid区医院位于祖鲁兰Abaqulusi市的农村地区–南非乌鲁迪DC-26夸祖鲁纳塔尔省。众所周知,艾滋病毒/艾滋病在该地区的发病率和患病率很高,因此,从逻辑上讲,为什么会发现越来越多的艾滋病毒/艾滋病亲属疾病。 Vryheid医院制定了有组织的CDC和抗逆转录病毒治疗计划;它与外科,自然与生物能学和病理学服务部门密切合作。用通常的说法,卡波西氏肉瘤无法治愈,但通常可以有效缓解很多年,这是治疗的目的。在与免疫缺陷或免疫抑制剂相关的KS中,治疗免疫系统功能障碍的原因可以减慢或停止KS的进程。在40%或更多的艾滋病相关性卡波西氏肉瘤患者中,卡波西氏病灶会在首次开始高活性抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)时缩小。但是,在一定比例的此类患者中,使用HAART数年后,卡波济肉瘤可能会再次生长,特别是如果HIV不能得到完全抑制的话。在艾滋病流行之前,卡波济氏肉瘤主要见于意大利和犹太老人中,很少见于老年妇女中。在这一组中,肿瘤发展缓慢。在AIDS患者中,癌症发展非常迅速,并且还可能累及皮肤,肺,胃肠道和其他器官。内脏病变通常是无症状的,并且通常仅在尸检时才发现,尽管在临床上可能会发生胃肠道出血。多达33%的经典KS患者发展为第二原发性恶性肿瘤,最常见的是非霍奇金淋巴瘤。 [3,4,5]疼痛,最常见的疼痛之一



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