
Euthanasia: Issues Implied Within




Euthanasia is defined as “a deliberate act undertaken by one person with the intention of ending life of another person to relieve that person's suffering and where the act is the cause of death”. Assisted suicide is defined as “the act of intentionally killing oneself with the assistance of another who deliberately provides the knowledge, means, or both”. In ‘physician-assisted suicide' (PAS) a physician provides the assistance. The present literature –based review article is prepared with the aims (1) to understand the genesis of the idea of euthanasia (2) to peek into the historical chronology related to this idea (3) to learn the arguments and counter arguments given for this idea (4) to look into the patient's perspective related to his request for death (5) to know the global scenario regarding euthanasia, and (6) to generate an awareness about the concept behind euthanasia – more than ‘legal medical death'. In ancient Greece and Rome, euthanasia was an everyday reality. The proposals for euthanasia revived in the 19th century with the revolution in the use of anesthesia. It has been claimed that advances in life-sustaining medical technology have renewed interest in euthanasia again. Fear of being kept alive by technology along with the extrapolation of anesthetics to make death easier have been the facilitators for this renewal of debates on euthanasia. The arguments and justifications advanced both for and against euthanasia have hardly changed in over a century, that is, human right born of self-determination versus fear of ‘slippery slope'. Looking from patient's perspective, the patient asks for death when his psychological purview changes from ‘why me' to ‘what next'. Physical symptoms rarely serve as primary or sole motivation for death request. Instead individual values appear to have primary role to play. An avoidance or immediate refusal runs the risk of adversely affecting the patient's care. The motivation behind patient's request should be explored and a deeper understanding should be reached. Globally, Netherlands in 2001 and Belgium in 2002 have legalized euthanasia. Oregon, USA has legalized only PAS in 1997. Northern territory of Australia was the first to legalize euthanasia in 1995 and first to repeal the act in 1997. According to Swiss penal code, suicide is not a crime and assisting suicide is a crime if and only if the motive is selfish. It condones assisting suicide for altruistic reasons. In conclusion, the people practicing medicine should have an analytical viewpoint while having a debate on euthanasia. There is a need to understand the arguments and counter arguments given for euthanasia so that formal guidelines can be worked out regarding this vital issue, for the primary goal of all the medical practitioners is to infuse control in all patients to live gracefully and to die peacefully. Introduction Debates about the ethics of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide date from ancient Greece and Rome (1). Euthanasia is defined as “a deliberate act undertaken by one person with the intention of ending life of another person to relieve that person's suffering and where the act is the cause of death”. Euthanasia may be ‘voluntary', ‘non-voluntary' or ‘involuntary'. Euthanasia is voluntary when the suffering person has requested and consented for ending life. It is non-voluntary when the suffering person has neither requested nor consented for ending life. And it is involuntary when the suffering person has requested contrary to ending life. Assisted suicide is defined as “the act of intentionally killing oneself with the assistance of another who deliberately provides the knowledge, means, or both”. In ‘physician-assisted suicide' (PAS) a physician provides the assistance (2). Aims The present literature-based review article is being worked out: To understand the genesis of the idea of euthanasia. To peek into the historical chronology related to this idea. To learn the arguments and counter a
机译:安乐死被定义为“一个人为结束另一人的生命而故意减轻另一人的痛苦,而该行为是造成死亡的原因的蓄意行为”。辅助自杀被定义为“在故意提供知识,手段或两者的人的协助下故意自杀的行为”。在“医师协助自杀”(PAS)中,医生提供了协助。本基于文献的综述文章旨在(1)了解安乐死的起源(2)探究与该安乐死有关的历史年表(3),以了解为此提出的论点和反论点想法(4)研究患者与死亡请求相关的观点(5)了解有关安乐死的全球情况,以及(6)使人们了解安乐死背后的概念–不仅仅是“合法医疗死亡”。在古希腊和罗马,安乐死已成为日常生活。安乐死的提议在19世纪随着麻醉使用的革命而复兴。据称,维持生命的医疗技术的进步再次使人们对安乐死产生了兴趣。对安乐死辩论的重新讨论促进了人们对技术的生存以及对麻醉药的推断以使死亡更容易。赞成和反对安乐死的论点和理由在一个多世纪中几乎没有改变,即,自决而生的人权与对“滑坡”的恐惧。从患者的角度来看,当患者的心理范围从“为什么是我”变为“下一步是什么”时,患者会要求死亡。身体症状很少成为死亡请求的主要或唯一动机。相反,个人价值观似乎起着主要作用。避免或立即拒绝会产生不利影响患者护理的风险。应探索患者要求背后的动机,并应加深了解。在全球范围内,2001年的荷兰和2002年的比利时使安乐死合法化。美国俄勒冈州在1997年仅使PAS合法化。澳大利亚北部是1995年第一个将安乐死合法化的国家,并在1997年率先废除了该法案。根据瑞士的刑法,自杀不是犯罪,而协助自杀是犯罪。只有动机是自私的。它出于无私的理由纵容协助自杀。总之,在对安乐死进行辩论时,从事医学工作的人们应具有分析性观点。有必要了解针对安乐死的论点和反论点,以便可以就这一重要问题制定出正式的指导方针,因为所有医生的主要目标是灌输对所有患者的控制,使他们过上安逸的生活并和平地死去。 。引言关于古希腊和罗马关于安乐死的伦理和医师协助自杀的争论(1)。安乐死被定义为“一个人为结束另一人的生命而故意减轻另一人的痛苦,而该行为是造成死亡的原因的蓄意行为”。安乐死可能是“自愿”,“非自愿”或“非自愿”。当受害人已请求并同意终止生命时,安乐死是自愿的。当受害人既未要求也未同意终止生命时,这是非自愿的。当受苦的人提出与结束生命相反的要求时,这是非自愿的。辅助自杀被定义为“在故意提供知识,手段或两者的人的协助下故意自杀的行为”。在“医师协助自杀”(PAS)中,医生提供了协助(2)。目的目前正在撰写基于文献的综述文章:了解安乐死的起源。窥视与此想法有关的历史年表。学习论点并反驳



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