首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Nuclear Medicine >Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) : The value of 18-Florine Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography (PET / CT) in comparison to conventional imaging modalities Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) : The value of 18-Florine Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography (PET / CT) in comparison to conventional imaging modalities Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

机译:鼻咽癌(NPC):与常规成像方式,计算机断层扫描(CT)和磁共振成像(MRI)相比,18氟氟脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)正电子发射断层扫描计算机断层扫描(PET / CT)的价值



PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical usefulness of 18F FDG PET/CT in the management of NPC in comparison to conventional imaging modalities. METHODS: This retrospective study was done at Ospedale Niguarda, Milan, Italy. Data acquired from 24 NPC patients between May 2003 and December 2006. They had FDG PET/CT and CT or MRI during initial diagnosis and at follow up. Each findings was tabulated and compared with tissue biopsy at diagnosis and clinical status during follow up after therapy. Statistical calculation was done to derive the value of each modalities.RESULTS; The sensitivity and accuracy of PET / CT and CT / MRI are equally high at diagnosis. At follow up, a negative PET / CT finding suggests complete remission with sensitivity and negative predictive value of 100%. CONCLUSIONS: 18F FDG PET/CT is a potential modality to be utilized in following up NPC patients for evaluating response to therapy. Acknowledgement Author wishes to express appreciation to The Department of Nuclear Medicine, Radiology Head and Neck Surgery, Ospedale Niguarda, Milan , Italy for kind hospitality and participation in this collaboration activity. This study was supported by unrestricted grants from Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC) and Oncologia Ca’ Granda Onlus (OCGO) Fondazione. Introduction NPC is common among the Chinese populations especially in the south China and South East Asia region with incidence of 20 to 50 per 100 000 individuals [1,2]. Despite being uncommon among other ethnic groups including the Europeans, incidence has been reported among the south Indian community as well as in the North African community [3].Ebstein Barr Viral (EBV) infection is thought to play an important role in initiating the development of this tumour. Multiple literature review revealed coexistence between EBV infection and NPC [4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. Kenneth and colleagues suggested that EBV status can be a reliable predictor for overall survival of NPC patients[11]. Most NPC patients commonly manifest themselves with painless enlarged lymph nodes in the neck which are often bilateral. When these are in association with positive EBV’s DNA, they are highly suspicious for nodal disease from NPC primary [12]. Other clinical features include nasal obstruction and epistaxis which may occur as a result of local tumor infiltration. Patients may also present with hearing problems like hearing loss, tinnitus or recurrent otitis media. In advanced cases, there may be cranial nerve dysfunction. A more generalized presentation like sore throat and headache are not uncommon. These clinical presentations are looked for at diagnosis and follow up. Besides histological typing, early detection and accurate staging at diagnosis and restaging at follow up are important prognostic determinants. Early and accurate staging at diagnosis will ensure proper treatment deliveries as prevalence of head and neck metastases is as high as 40% at the time of initial presentation. Accurate restaging after therapy is also important to determine treatment response and to answer the question whether the patient requires change in pre planned treatment regime. In current practice, conventional imaging modalities like CT and MR are routinely employed to assist clinicians in staging NPC patients. Fused integrated morphological and functional imaging modality PET/CT is another possible useful new tool to be utilized in the assessment of NPC patients. This study was conducted in view to evaluate the role of fused Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) in the management of NPC patients. Materials and methods Patients This study was approved by the institutional review board of the hospital.Retrospective data from 33 patients between May 2003 to December 2006, from Nuclear Medicine Department, Ospedale Niguarda, and Milan, Italy were reviewed. These are confirmed cases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma from histopathological tissue biopsy. The results were collected and
机译:目的:评价18F FDG PET / CT与常规成像方式相比在NPC管理中的临床实用性。方法:这项回顾性研究在意大利米兰的Ospedale Niguarda进行。从2003年5月至2006年12月期间从24名NPC患者中获得的数据。他们在初次诊断和随访期间均接受了FDG PET / CT和CT或MRI检查。将每个发现制成表格,并与治疗后随访期间的组织活检在诊断和临床状态进行比较。进行统计计算以得出每种方式的价值。 PET / CT和CT / MRI的敏感性和准确性在诊断时同样很高。随访时,PET / CT阴性结果提示完全缓解,灵敏度和阴性预测值均为100%。结论:18F FDG PET / CT是一种可用于随访NPC患者以评估对治疗反应的潜在方法。致谢作者在此感谢意大利米兰Ospedale Niguarda放射医学头颈外科核医学科的盛情款待和参与。这项研究得到了来自意大利国脚协会(AIRC)和Oncologia Ca’Granda Onlus(OCGO)Fondazione的无限制拨款的支持。引言鼻咽癌在中国人口中尤为普遍,尤其是在华南和东南亚地区,每10万人中有20至50发生率[1,2]。尽管在包括欧洲人在内的其他种族群体中并不常见,但据报道南印度社区和北非社区的发病率都很高[3]。埃伯斯坦巴尔病毒(EBV)感染被认为在开始发展中起着重要作用这种肿瘤。多项文献综述显示,EBV感染与NPC共存[4,5,6,7,8,9,10]。 Kenneth及其同事建议,EBV状况可以作为NPC患者总体生存的可靠预测指标[11]。大多数NPC患者通常表现为颈部无痛性肿大淋巴结,通常为双侧。当它们与阳性EBV的DNA结合时,它们对来自NPC原发灶的淋巴结病高度怀疑[12]。其他临床特征包括可能由于局部肿瘤浸润而发生的鼻塞和鼻result。患者还可能出现听力问题,如听力下降,耳鸣或中耳炎复发。在晚期病例中,可能存在颅神经功能障碍。喉咙痛和头痛等更普遍的表现并不少见。这些临床表现可用于诊断和随访。除了组织学分型外,早期诊断和准确的分期以及随访时的分期也是重要的预后决定因素。在诊断时及早且准确地分期将确保正确的治疗分娩,因为在初次就诊时头和颈转移的患病率高达40%。治疗后准确的重新分期对于确定治疗反应并回答患者是否需要改变预计划的治疗方案也很重要。在当前的实践中,常规地使用诸如CT和MR的常规成像方式来协助临床医生分期NPC患者。融合的形态学和功能成像融合PET / CT是另一种可能的有用新工具,可用于评估NPC患者。进行这项研究的目的是评估正电子发射断层扫描/计算机断层扫描(PET / CT)融合在NPC患者管理中的作用。材料和方法患者这项研究得到了医院机构审查委员会的批准。该研究回顾了2003年5月至2006年12月间来自Ospedale Niguarda核医学科和意大利米兰的33例患者的回顾性数据。这些是经病理组织活检确诊的鼻咽癌病例。收集结果并



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