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Role of Nurses in Daily Nuclear Medicine




The aim of this study is to demonstrate the role of nurses during daily nuclear medicine procedures and to discuss the influence of nurses in quality of patient care, patient preparation and radiation safety in nuclear medicine. Methods: Data was collected from the day to day involvement of nurses during daily nuclear medicine procedures. There are several nuclear medicine procedures identified where the nurses are involved in various tasks. Those imaging studies include many procedures in Oncology, Renal, hepatobiliary, cardiac, thyroid and gastrointestinal Scintigraphy. Results: Nurses spend a significant amount of time during cardiac imaging starting from taking history, review of patient preparation, medications, and laboratory data to ultimately performing clinical examination. For Renal Scintigraphy nurses have an important function, especially in children, starting from placing a Foley catheter, to hydrating after inserting an intravenous line, administering Ace inhibitor medication, if needed, and monitoring vital signs. For thyroid imaging, the role of nurses includes administering thyrogen injections. For gastrointestinal imaging, nurses play a key role in administering drugs like morphine sulfate, cholecystokinin and taking care of various tubes including Gastric, Jejunostomy, Nasogastric tubes and suctioning as needed. Nurses also have an important role taking care of patients during other unexpected emergencies like seizures and cardiac arrest. More important task of nurses includes assisting the technologists how to use and inject radiopharmaceuticals through the central lines, Porta catheter and Hickman catheters. During PET/CT imaging nurses monitor blood glucose and adverse reactions to iodine contrast. Nurses with special training in radiation safety discuss with the patients and other personnel the potential side effects of ionizing radiation. Conclusion: Nurses have an important role in various tasks in assisting the technologists, physicians and patients to carry out daily nuclear medicine procedures. Nurses are essential in providing quality patient care and are crucial in saving patient's lives in emergencies during nuclear medicine imaging procedures. Introduction Quality of Care has come to the forefront of our attention in the recent years. After the Institute of Medicine's ‘To Err is Human' monograph, highlighting the errors being made in the course of medical care and how most of the errors are avoidable, many attempts are being made to narrow the ‘quality chasm' that exists in the day to day practice of medicine. One of the underutilized and less understood in the United States is the positive and preventive role nurses can play in a Nuclear Medicine Section. Role of nurses in nuclear medicine is an evolving field and not known to many nurses. Nurses' role in Nuclear Medicine is better understood in Europe and underutilized in United States (1). The purpose of this communication is to highlight the important role nurses play in the nuclear medicine sections and we strongly believe understanding and better integrating nurses role in Nuclear Medicine sections will further help to narrow the ‘quality chasm'.Nuclear medicine procedures require patient interactions relating to patient preparation, administering radioactive and non radioactive medications via oral or parental route, explaining the procedure, comforting and reassuring patients, and making the pediatric patients cheerful. These goals are achieved with the help of nurses. In addition, nurses perform several other tasks including inserting various lines, tubes as well as assessing the patients for tolerability of the procedures. Nurses are needed for several other diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.Nurses who are experienced in oncology assist patients with making difficult decisions and educate them about the advances in diagnostic and treatment options. During difficult neurodiagnostic studies for seizures, nurses keep patients from
机译:这项研究的目的是证明护士在日常核医学程序中的作用,并讨论护士对核医学中患者护理质量,患者准备和放射安全的影响。方法:在日常核医学程序中,从护士的日常工作中收集数据。确定了几种核医学程序,其中护士参与了各种任务。这些影像学研究包括肿瘤,肾脏,肝胆,心脏,甲状腺和胃肠道闪烁扫描的许多程序。结果:从进行病史记录,检查患者准备情况,用药和实验室数据到最终进行临床检查,护士在心脏成像过程中要花费大量时间。对于肾脏闪烁照相术,护士具有重要的功能,特别是对于儿童,从放置Foley导管开始,到插入静脉输液后进行水合作用,必要时给予Ace抑制剂药物治疗,并监测生命体征。对于甲状腺成像,护士的职责包括注射甲状腺素。对于胃肠道成像,护士在管理诸如硫酸吗啡,胆囊收缩素之类的药物以及根据需要护理各种导管(包括胃管,空肠造口术,鼻胃管和吸管)方面发挥着关键作用。护士在癫痫发作和心脏骤停等其他突发事件中也起着重要的作用。护士的更重要任务包括协助技术人员如何通过中心线,门脉导管和希克曼导管使用和注射放射性药物。在PET / CT成像期间,护士会监测血糖和对碘对比剂的不良反应。接受过辐射安全培训的护士与患者和其他人员讨论电离辐射的潜在副作用。结论:护士在协助技术人员,医师和患者执行日常核医学程序的各种任务中起着重要作用。护士对于提供优质的患者护理至关重要,对于在核医学成像过程中的紧急情况中挽救患者生命至关重要。简介近年来,护理质量已成为我们关注的焦点。在医学研究所的《致人类的错误》专着强调医疗过程中所犯的错误以及如何避免大多数错误之后,人们进行了许多尝试来缩小当今存在的“质量鸿沟”每天的医学实践。在美国,利用不足和了解较少的一种是护士在核医学科中可以发挥的积极和预防作用。护士在核医学中的作用是一个不断发展的领域,许多护士并不知道。在欧洲,护士在核医学中的作用得到了更好的理解,而在美国却未被充分利用(1)。交流的目的是强调护士在核医学科中的重要作用,我们坚信理解和更好地整合护士在核医学科中的作用将进一步帮助缩小“质量鸿沟”。核医学程序需要与患者互动病人准备,通过口服或父母途径施用放射性和非放射性药物,解释程序,使患者安心和安心,并使儿科患者开朗。这些目标是在护士的帮助下实现的。此外,护士还执行其他几项任务,包括插入各种管线,导管以及评估患者对手术的耐受性。其他几种诊断和治疗干预措施也需要护士。具有肿瘤学经验的护士可以帮助患者做出艰难的决定,并教育他们有关诊断和治疗选择的进展。在对癫痫发作进行困难的神经诊断研究期间,护士让患者远离



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