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Minimally Invasive Radio-guided Parathyroidectomy




We report two cases of hyperparathyroidism treated by minimally invasive radio-guided parathyroidectomy. Introduction Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy for the treatment of hyperparathyroidism is a relatively new procedure which may be performed as an out-patient procedure under local anaesthesia. This can result in substantial savings to the Health System. In patients with a known single adenoma pre-operative localisation of the adenoma with 99mTc-Sestamibi imaging allows a limited dissection. Dellbridge et al reported their experience with minimally invasive parathyroidectomy (1) and concluded that it is a feasible procedure though there are concerns about the complication rate. In radio-guided surgery pre operative localisation is combined with intraoperative localisation with a gamma probe using a technique similar to that used for sentinel-node mapping and biopsy (2). In addition this technique has an added advantage - further imaging can confirm removal of the adenoma and detect residual functioning tissue. Norman (3) and others have advocated minimally invasive radio-guided parathyroidectomy for the treatment of hyperparathyroidism in patients who have a single adenoma localised with sestamibi scintigraphy.We report two cases of hyperparathyroidism treated by minimally invasive radioguided parathyroidectomy at this institution. Case Reports A 62-year-old New Caledonian man was referred for a parathyroid study to investigate his hyperparathyroidism. He had a complex history of chronic renal failure of unknown cause managed by peritoneal dialysis for 12 years and more recently haemodialysis. The previous year he underwent surgery for hyperparathyroidism associated with his chronic renal insufficiency. Two foci of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid were discovered. Three hyperplastic parathyroid glands were identified and removed. He subseqently underwent radioiodine ablation of the remainder of the gland. His calcium remained high with an elevated parathyroid hormone level of 63.4 mmol per litre (normal range 2.5 - 7.0 mmol per litre). Subsequently a parathyroid scan with SPECT using Sestamibi was performed which identified a focus above the right sternoclavicular joint consistent with a parathyroid adenoma (fig 1 and 2). This area would not have been explored in his original parathyroid surgery. A CT and ultrasound failed to demonstrate an adenoma. In view of the risks of major surgery to a man with advanced renal disease on maintenance dialysis, minimally invasive radio-guided parathyroid surgery was considered. The patient received a repeat injection of Sestamibi and images were taken to confirm the site of the adenoma. The patient was then transferred to the operating theatre. Following a small incision a well encapsulated nodule measuring 7 x 10mm in the region identified on the Sestamibi Study was located by the gamma probe and removed. Histological examination confirmed a parathyroid adenoma. An image was obtained following removal of the adenoma confirming excision of the area of abnormal sestamibi uptake. (fig 3) Post-operatively the serum calcium level fell to 1.84 mmol/litre (normal range 2.15-2.55 mmol/litre).
机译:我们报告了两例通过微创放射导向甲状旁腺切除术治疗的甲状旁腺功能亢进症。简介微创甲状旁腺切除术用于治疗甲状旁腺功能亢进是一种相对较新的方法,可以在局部麻醉下作为门诊方法进行。这可以为卫生系统节省大量资金。在患有已知的单个腺瘤的患者中,术前使用99mTc-Sestamibi成像对腺瘤进行局部定位可进行有限的解剖。 Dellbridge等人报告了他们在微创甲状旁腺切除术方面的经验(1),并得出结论,尽管对并发症发生率存在担忧,这是一种可行的方法。在无线电引导手术中,术前定位与术中定位结合使用伽玛探针,其技术类似于前哨淋巴结定位和活检(2)。此外,该技术还有一个额外的优势-进一步的成像可以确认腺瘤的去除并检测残留的功能组织。 Norman(3)等人提倡微创放射状甲状旁腺切除术用于单侧司他他比显像的单发腺瘤患者甲状旁腺功能亢进症的治疗。病例报告一名62岁的新喀里多尼亚男子被转至甲状旁腺研究,以调查他的甲状旁腺功能亢进。他有不明原因的慢性肾衰竭的复杂病史,由腹膜透析治疗了12年,最近进行了血液透析。前一年,他因伴有慢性肾脏功能不全而接受甲状旁腺功能亢进手术。发现了两个甲状腺乳头状癌灶。确定并切除了三个增生的甲状旁腺。他随后对其余腺体进行了放射性碘消融。他的钙保持较高水平,甲状旁腺激素水平升高至每升63.4 mmol(正常范围为每升2.5-7.0 mmol)。随后,使用司他他比用SPECT进行甲状旁腺扫描,确定了右侧胸锁关节上方的病灶与甲状旁腺腺瘤一致(图1和2)。在他最初的甲状旁腺手术中不会探索该区域。 CT和超声检查未能显示出腺瘤。考虑到对患有晚期肾脏疾病的男性进行维持性透析的重大手术风险,因此考虑了微创放射导向甲状旁腺手术。该患者接受了西他米比的重复注射,并拍摄了图像以确认腺瘤的位置。然后将患者转移到手术室。进行小切口后,在伽马探针上定位并在塞斯塔米比研究中确定的区域中测量7×10mm的封装好的结节,并将其取出。组织学检查证实为甲状旁腺腺瘤。去除腺瘤后获得图像,证实切除了异常的司他他比摄取区域。 (图3)术后血钙水平降至1.84 mmol / L(正常范围为2.15-2.55 mmol / L)。



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