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Surgical, medical and anesthesia in the Middle East: Notes on Ancient and medieval practice with reference to Islamic-Arabic medicine




In the Middle East, historians consider that the world civilization, started along the major rivers, namely the Nile valley and in between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris in the land of Mesopotamia 4000 years ago. The oldest medical writings are found in cuneiform tablets, which is known as the oldest medical handbook, and in Ancient Egypt in medical pyperi, Especially Eber pyperus. Both texts (the tablets and pyperus) contain medical text describing the surgical, medical and herbal treatments The Assyrians herbal contained: Belladonna, Cannabis and Mandragora. The Ancient Egyptians used opium poppy and influenced the Greek medicine. Indian and Chinese influences and later on Alexandrian medicine influence the teaching of medicine to lesser extent. Both the Assyrian and Egyptian physicians obtained artificial sleep for their patients by quickly compressing the Carotid vessels of the neck, this practice was followed as well by the Greek physicians. Arabic translation of the Greek medicine helped to make Islamic physicians supreme in the middle Ages.Baghdad became the world's leading medical and drug center. With the skill of the Arab Alchemists, the art of drug making began to evolve into the science of Pharmacology. Western physicians emerging from the Middle Ages found the Arab pharmacopoeia (based on the Greek and enriched by Arab herbiest), in which a list of medicinal plants composed the anesthetic armamentarium of our forefathers. Ibn al Nafis (1208-1288) the Arabic scholar who descried the pulmonary circulation, mentioned in his book Al Shamel a paragraph on how patient could be restrained during surgery and his remarks do not mention anesthesia. The reason may be that he worked as ophthalmologist. His pupil Ibn Al Koff (1232-1286 AD) wrote a complete chapter on pain relief in his book "Al Omdah Fi Sinaat Al Jirahah". He differentiated between true and non-true pain relief considering non-true pain relief the "Anesthetic" which the surgeon may use for treatment of pain or to be able to institute the surgical treatment. The method mentioned by some historians regarding anesthetic sponge (the predecessor of inhalational anesthesia) may need further documentation and research to elicit its mode of action, and the extent of its use. Dedication and acknowledgement This review is considered a cumulative summary of relevant information on the positive contribution of Arabic-Islamic scholars of the middle Ages to medicine. It is cumulative work compiled by many distinguished scholars of the contemporary Arab world. I specially mention the major drive of Prof Anis Baraka who is the “Dean” of Arab Anestheiology, seen in the picture receiving his second Medal of Lebanon President for his contribution to Anesthesia in Lebanon Given to his by his Excellency Dr Karam Karam who was then (2000) Minster of health.[1]
机译:在中东,历史学家认为,世界文明始于主要的河流,即尼罗河谷,距今4000年前的美索不达米亚土地上的幼发拉底河和底格里斯河之间。最古老的医学著作存在于楔形文字的药片中,这被称为最古老的医学手册,在古埃及的医学pyperi,尤其是Eber pyperus中也有。两种文本(药片和药)均包含描述亚述人草药所包含的外科,医学和草药治疗的医学文本:颠茄,大麻和曼陀罗。古埃及人使用罂粟并影响了希腊医学。印度和中国的影响以及后来对亚历山大医学的影响在较小程度上影响了医学的教学。亚述和埃及医生都通过快速压迫颈颈血管为其患者提供了人工睡眠,希腊医生也遵循了这种做法。希腊医学的阿拉伯语翻译使中世纪的伊斯兰医师至高无上。巴格达成为世界领先的医学和毒品中心。借助阿拉伯炼金术士的技能,药物制造技术开始发展为药理学。来自中世纪的西方医生发现了阿拉伯药典(基于希腊语,并由阿拉伯最丰富的阿拉伯药典所丰富),其中有一系列药用植物组成了我们祖先的麻醉药材。伊本·纳菲斯(Ibn al Nafis,1208-1288年)是描述肺循环的阿拉伯学者,在他的《艾尔·沙梅尔》(Al Shamel)一书中提到了一段有关如何在手术期间限制患者的段落,而他的言论并未提及麻醉。原因可能是他曾担任眼科医生。他的学生伊本·科夫(Ibn Al Koff,公元1232-1286年)在他的著作《 Al Omdah Fi Sinaat Al Jirahah》中写下了有关缓解疼痛的完整章节。他将真正的疼痛缓解与非真正的疼痛缓解区分开来,认为非真正的疼痛缓解是外科医生可以用来治疗疼痛或能够进行手术治疗的“麻醉剂”。一些历史学家提到的有关麻醉海绵(吸入麻醉的前身)的方法可能需要进一步的文献记录和研究,以得出其作用方式和使用范围。奉献与致谢这篇评论被认为是中世纪阿拉伯阿拉伯伊斯兰学者对医学的积极贡献的相关信息的累积摘要。这是当代阿拉伯世界许多杰出学者汇编的著作。我要特别提到的是阿拉伯麻醉学“院长”阿尼斯·巴拉卡教授的主要动力,在这张照片中,他获得了黎巴嫩总统第二枚勋章,以表彰他对黎巴嫩麻醉事业的贡献。当时卡拉姆·卡拉姆博士阁下将其授予(2000)健康部长。[1]



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