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'The Most Beautiful Painting'




This reflects the strength of a lady confined to the bed. She wanted to paint; her joints would not let her. She was determined to. But not always one can win her handicaps. It is not always, that you can make a disobedient body, crippled by Rheumatoid Arthritis, work the way you want it to. Could she paint? I have known her for more years than I can count. I had known her from my school days, as she had been my English language teacher. At times, I jokingly said to her “Mrs. Mathews you have given me beatings for not getting correct spellings and pronunciations, and now it is the time (though undesirably), I am giving you the prescriptions”. To me, her physician, what she had was just another case of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I knew she wanted to paint; I also knew that she would not be able to. She herself was even aware of this, although she never cared to admit it. Her Rheumatoid Arthritis was so advanced that even corticosteroids could not have offered much in the way of relief. Most of her joints were immovable and she had been confined to her cot for a decade or so. Her disease had developed over time. It was not that she did not realize that something was happening to her; she could always make out that her joints were changing. Gradually the wrists, then the elbow, then the little fingers; and surely of late it was the most of her articulations that lost their momentum. When I write Mrs. Mathew was ’limited’ to her cot, I certainly mean she was limited to her cot. The viewpoint of the medical men was that she was completely disabled. As far as she was concerned, she always wanted to do something that was creative. An active person like her is bound to be restless. She wanted to hue the canvas. She wanted to put her feelings in color. She was adamant to paint and it became a terrible job to explain her how very impossible was it for her to do so. She would not accept this fact, and Mr. Mathew had to get her a 24 x 36 canvas, set of oil colors, and painting brushes. Getting these, she seemed to be the happiest soul on earth and was as jubilant as a little kid getting his favorite candy.Would she be able? We wondered. We knew it was not quite possible with the state of her joints. She tried to lift the brush. She could not. She tried to do so umpteen times, but all in vain. Holding the brush requires approximating the fingers and imparting them a grip. I have used my hands to tie my shoestrings, write my schoolwork, to do my dissections during college, to stitch wounds, to palpate my patients. I did all this while never, ever realizing how important this set of fingers was.
机译:这反映了一位女士躺在床上的力量。她想画画。她的关节不会让她。她下定决心。但并非总是有人可以赢得她的让步。并非总是可以使风湿性关节炎致残的不听话的身体按自己的方式工作。她可以画画吗?我认识她已经超过我数年了。我从上学的时候就认识她,因为她一直是我的英语老师。有时,我开玩笑地对她说:您对Mathews的批评是:我没有获得正确的拼写和发音,现在是时候了(尽管这是不希望的),我正在给您开处方。”对我来说,她的医师,她所患的只是另一例类风湿关节炎。我知道她想画画。我也知道她将无法做到。她自己甚至意识到了这一点,尽管她从不愿意承认。她的类风湿关节炎非常严重,以至于皮质类固醇都无法提供很多缓解方法。她的大部分关节都无法动弹,她被限制在婴儿床里呆了十年左右。她的病随着时间的推移而发展。并不是说她没有意识到自己正在发生什么事。她总能看出自己的关节在变化。渐渐地,手腕,然后是肘部,然后是小指;肯定是最近,大多数她的发音失去了动力。当我写马修夫人被“限制”在她的婴儿床上时,我当然是说她仅限于她的婴儿床。医务人员的观点是她完全残疾。就她而言,她一直想做一些富有创造力的事情。像她这样活跃的人注定会不安。她想色调画布。她想把自己的感觉变成彩色。她坚持要绘画,向她解释这对她来说是多么不可能的事情变得艰巨。她不愿接受这一事实,马修先生必须给她买一块24 x 36的帆布,一组油彩和画笔。得到这些东西,她似乎是地球上最快乐的灵魂,就像一个小孩得到他最喜欢的糖果一样欢欣鼓舞,她能吗?我们想知道。我们知道她的关节状态不太可能。她试图抬起刷子。她不能。她试过无数次,但徒劳无功。握住刷子需要接近手指并赋予其抓地力。我用双手系住鞋带,写作业,上大学时进行解剖,缝合伤口,触诊患者。我从没做过所有这一切,甚至从未意识到这组手指的重要性。



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