首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics >Evaluation of efficiency of manual polishing over autoglazed and overglazed porcelain and its effect on plaque accumulation

Evaluation of efficiency of manual polishing over autoglazed and overglazed porcelain and its effect on plaque accumulation




PURPOSE The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of manual polishing over autoglazed and overglazed porcelain and their effect on plaque accumulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Thirty-six porcelain discs were fabricated out of which 18 each was subjected for autoglazing and overglazing. Half surface of the discs was left intact; the remaining half was roughened with medium grit diamond bur. Roughened surfaces were repolished by porcelain polishing kits (Shofu, DFS, Eve). All the surfaces were evaluated by the perthometer and SEM. Six discs from each sample were placed in human volunteer's mouth for 72 hours to evaluate the plaque accumulation. Acquired data was subjected to ANOVA comparative evaluation. RESULTS Roughened surfaces had average roughness value of 2.88±0.1935 μm. The repolished surfaces by porcelain correction kits Shofu, DFS and Eve, average roughness value reduced to 0.6250±0.1036, 0.9192±0.0953, 0.9017±0.1305 respectively. Autoglazed and overglazed surfaces showed the mean roughness value (Ra) of 0.4217±0.0685, 0.3450±0.0729. SEM study showed the improved surfaces when subjected for polishing. Plaque accumulation percentage was the highest on roughened surface (93.83±6.2552%), followed by porcelain discs polished by commercial kits. Autoglazed surfaces found to be the best surfaces with the least plaque accumulation (0.5237±0.4209%). CONCLUSION All the polishing kits used in the study reduced the average roughness by approximately 77%. Corrected porcelain surfaces should ideally be reglazed, alternatively, polish the surfaces before final cementation.
机译:目的本研究的目的是评估在自动上釉和上釉的瓷器上进行手工抛光的效率及其对牙菌斑堆积的影响。材料与方法制作了36个瓷盘,其中有18个分别进行了自动上光和上光。圆盘的一半表面完好无损。剩余的一半用中等粒度的金刚石车针打磨。粗糙的表面通过瓷抛光工具(Shofu,DFS,Eve)进行了抛光。所有表面均通过热导仪和SEM评估。将每个样品的六张光盘放在人类志愿者的嘴中72小时,以评估斑块积聚。对获得的数据进行方差分析比较评估。结果粗糙表面的平均粗糙度值为2.88±0.1935μm。通过瓷校正工具Shofu,DFS和Eve进行的重新抛光表面,平均粗糙度值分别降至0.6250±0.1036、0.9192±0.0953、0.9017±0.1305。自动上釉和上釉的表面的平均粗糙度值(Ra)为0.4217±0.0685、0.3450±0.0729。 SEM研究表明,当进行抛光时,改进的表面。在粗糙表面上的牙菌斑累积百分比最高(93.83±6.2552%),其次是用商业工具包抛光的瓷盘。发现自动上光的表面是最佳的表面,具有最小的牙菌斑积聚(0.5237±0.4209%)。结论研究中使用的所有抛光套件均使平均粗糙度降低了约77%。理想情况下,应对经过校正的瓷器表面重新上釉,或者在最终胶结之前抛光表面。



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