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Ectopic Cervical Thymic Cyst In Elderly: A Case Report With Review Of Literature




Cervical thymic cysts are rare lesions, and in adults, they are extremely rare. We are reporting a case of a 58-year-old female with an asymptomatic anterior cystic neck mass, clinically diagnosed as a lymph cyst that was surgically excised. She was diagnosed as having an ectopic cervical thymic cyst based on histopathological findings. To the best of our knowledge, our patient is the oldest reported case of cervical thymic cyst to date.As malignant change has been reported in adult cervical thymic cysts, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cystic masses in the neck of adults, followed by complete surgical removal and histopathological confirmation for definitive diagnosis.A case report with a review of the literature along with relevant embryogenesis and pathogenesis has been presented in this article. Introduction Ectopic cervical thymic cysts in adults are rare(1,2). Most of the cases have been reported in the paediatric age group. Their prevalence is less than 1% of all cervical masses, and they are usually noted in childhood(1). Being uncommon, they are rarely included in the clinical diagnosis of cervical cystic masses and are misdiagnosed by surgeons as branchial cysts, lymphatic malformations, epidermoid cysts, dermoid cysts or thyroglossal cysts, lymphadenitis or neoplastic masses(3). Malignancy in thymic cysts, though rare, has been mentioned in literature (4,5). Therefore the surgeon should be aware of this possibility, and complete surgical removal is the treatment of choice, followed by thorough histological examination to ensure that a possible malignant change is not overlooked.Histopathologically, thymic cysts are diagnosed by the presence of remnants of thymic tissue, represented by Hassall’s corpuscles, in the cyst wall.The purpose of publishing this case is to acknowledge the rarity of an ectopic thymic cyst in the cervical region in an elderly female of 58 years old, this being older than any patients currently reported in the literature, and to discuss the embryology and pathological features of this rare entity . Case report A 58-year-old female with history of slowly growing painless cystic mass, first noticed 3 years ago on the left side of the anterior triangle of neck in the cervical region, was admitted to our outpatient department of Surgery. A clinical diagnosis of a lymph cyst was considered. Intraoperatively, the cystic mass was found to be anterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle and did not extend to mediastinum. Patient underwent excision biopsy. We received an ovoid cystic specimen measuring 3x2 cm. Upon cutting it open, the cyst was found to be unilocular with clear serous fluid and smooth luminal surface.Histopathological examination showed a cyst wall lined by flat to cuboidal lining [fig.1]. The wall was composed of fat and fibro-collagenous tissue showing focal aggregation of lymphoid cells with Hassall’s corpuscles inside [fig.2]. Based on these classical findings, the diagnosis of ectopic thymic cyst of the cervical region was given.
机译:颈胸腺囊肿是罕见的病变,在成人中极为罕见。我们正在报告一例58岁女性,无症状的前囊性颈部肿块,经临床诊断为手术切除的淋巴囊肿。根据组织病理学发现,她被诊断出患有异位颈胸腺囊肿。据我们所知,该患者是迄今为止报道的最古老的颈胸腺囊肿病例。由于成人颈胸腺囊肿已有恶变的报道,因此在成人颈囊性肿块的鉴别诊断中应考虑到这一点,继之以完整的手术切除和组织病理学证实以进行明确的诊断。本文介绍了一个病例报告,并回顾了相关文献以及相关的胚胎发生和发病机理。前言成人异位颈胸腺囊肿很少见(1,2)。多数病例已在儿童年龄组报告。他们的患病率不到所有宫颈肿块的1%,通常在儿童时期就已注意到(1)。罕见的是,它们很少被包括在宫颈囊性肿块的临床诊断中,并且被外科医生误诊为分支囊肿,淋巴畸形,表皮样囊肿,皮肤样囊肿或甲状腺舌囊肿,淋巴结炎或肿瘤性肿块(3)。胸腺囊肿的恶性肿瘤虽然很少见,但在文献中已有提及(4,5)。因此,外科医生应意识到这种可能性,完全手术切除是治疗的选择,然后进行彻底的组织学检查,以确保不会忽视可能的恶性变化。以Hassall小球为代表的囊肿壁中。发表此病例的目的是要认识到58岁的老年女性在宫颈区域存在异位胸腺囊肿是罕见的,这比目前报道的任何患者都要大。文献,并讨论该稀有实体的胚胎学和病理学特征。病例报告一名58岁女性,有缓慢增长的无痛性囊性肿块病史,最早于3年前在宫颈区域的颈部前三角区左侧发现,该患者入院了外科门诊。考虑了淋巴囊肿的临床诊断。术中发现囊性肿块位于胸锁乳突肌前,未延伸至纵隔。患者接受了切除活检。我们收到了一个3x2 cm的卵形囊性标本。切开后发现囊肿为单孔,浆液清晰,管腔表面光滑。组织病理学检查显示囊肿壁衬有平坦至长方体的内壁[图1]。壁由脂肪和纤维胶原组织组成,显示出淋巴样细胞的聚集,内部有哈索尔小体[图2]。基于这些经典发现,可以诊断出宫颈区域的异位胸腺囊肿。



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