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A Simple Look-Up On Soft Tissue Osteoma: Report Of A Case.




Soft tissue tumors of the body represent wide variety. Osteoma is a benign, slow-growing osteogenic tumor that is primarily located in the maxillofacial region. However, soft tissue osteoma or osteoma cutis or extraskeletal osteoma is observed extremely rare. Here, we report a soft-tissue osteoma located on the dorsum of the body that had started and grown silently. The main complaint was the mass. Excisional biopsy was successfully carried out. After all, the pathological analysis consisted of osteoma within the cutis. Introduction Osteoma is an osteogenic benign tumor that can be central, peripheral or extraskeletal (1). Central osteomas arise from endosteum, peripheral osteomas arise from periosteum and extraskeletal soft-tissue osteomas usually develop within a muscle (2, 3). Cutaneous bone formation may be primary or secondary. If it is primary, there is no preceding cutaneous lesion or history; however, if it is secondary, bone forms through metaplasia within a preexisting lesion (4).An extraskeletal soft-tissue osteoma is observed exceedingly rare. The most common involvement of soft tissue osteomas is reported on the tongue and the skin (1, 5-8). Furthermore, the skin welcomes mostly the face and extremities (1, 5-10). Case Report An eighteen-year-old male patient applied with a non-traumatic, painless mass on his back. He had the mass for 4 years with no progressive grow-up. Everything was normal but, the palpation of the mass showed tenderness, tough and immobile 3x2 cm mass with sharp border. There was not a change on the color of the skin over the mass. The plain roentgenogram clearly showed the well circumscribed ossified lesion on the neighborhood of the T8 vertebra. The excisional biopsy was carried out via local anesthesia (Figure 1). No invasion was noted around, and the mass was easily excised within the subcutaneous fat. The specimen pointed out a grey-white color, rough firm and encapsulation, grossly (Figure 2).
机译:身体的软组织肿瘤种类繁多。骨瘤是一种良性,生长缓慢的成骨肿瘤,主要位于颌面部。然而,观察到极少见的软组织骨瘤或皮肤角质瘤或骨骼外骨瘤。在这里,我们报告了位于人体背侧的软组织骨瘤,该骨瘤已开始生长并静默生长。主要抱怨是群众。切除活检成功进行。毕竟,病理分析包括角质层内的骨瘤。简介骨瘤是一种成骨性良性肿瘤,可以位于中央,周围或骨骼外(1)。中央骨瘤是由内膜引起的,周围骨瘤是由骨膜引起的,骨骼外软组织骨瘤通常在肌肉内发展(2、3)。皮肤的骨形成可能是原发的或继发的。如果是原发性,则没有先前的皮肤病变或病史;然而,如果是继发性的,骨则通过在先前存在的病变内的化生形成(4)。骨骼外软组织骨瘤非常罕见。据报道,舌头和皮肤上最常见的是软组织骨瘤(1,5-8)。此外,皮肤主要欢迎面部和四肢(1、5-10)。病例报告一名18岁的男性患者背部有非创伤性无痛肿块。他有4年没有继续成长的质量。一切正常,但肿块的触诊显示出压痛,坚硬且固定的3x2 cm肿块,边缘清晰。整个肿块的皮肤颜色没有变化。普通的X线照片清楚地显示了T8椎骨附近的界限清楚的骨化病变。切除活检通过局部麻醉进行(图1)。周围未见浸润,肿块很容易在皮下脂肪内切除。标本指出为灰白色,粗糙且坚硬,包囊状(图2)。



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