
Is postnatal depression a risk factor for sudden infant death?




BACKGROUND: In New Zealand, an association has been shown between postnatal depression and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). AIM: To replicate the New Zealand study. DESIGN OF STUDY: Case-control study. SETTING: The city of Sheffield, UK. METHOD: The database of the Sheffield Child Development Study was used Demographic and obstetric data were collected and at one month postpartum the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) was administered. Detailed information on the cause of all infant deaths was available. RESULTS: There were 32,984 live births during the study period (from the year 1988 to 1993) and 42 babies died with the cause registered as SIDS. Multivariate analysis showed that smoking was the most important risk factorfor SIDS (odds ratio [OR] = 7.24, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 2.76 to 19.01), followed by a high EPDS (OR = 3.20, 95% CI = 1.46 to 6.99) and residence in an area of poverty (OR = 2.33, 95% CI = 1.06 to 5.11). CONCLUSIONS: The Sheffield data confirm the New Zealand findings. A high EPDS score and, by implication, postnatal depression, may be risk factors for SIDS, however, there are many possible explanations for the association.
机译:背景:在新西兰,已显示出生后抑郁与婴儿猝死综合症(SIDS)之间存在关联。目的:复制新西兰的研究。研究设计:病例对照研究。地点:英国谢菲尔德市。方法:使用谢菲尔德儿童发育研究的数据库,收集人口统计学和产科数据,并在产后一个月使用爱丁堡产后抑郁量表(EPDS)。提供了所有婴儿死亡原因的详细信息。结果:在研究期间(从1988年到1993年),有32,984例活产婴儿,有42例婴儿死亡,死因已登记为SIDS。多变量分析表明,吸烟是SIDS的最重要危险因素(赔率[OR] = 7.24,95%置信区间[95%CI] = 2.76至19.01),其次是高EPDS(OR = 3.20,95%CI = 1.46至6.99)并居住在贫困地区(OR = 2.33,95%CI = 1.06至5.11)。结论:谢菲尔德的数据证实了新西兰的发现。 EPDS得分高,并暗示产后抑郁可能是SIDS的危险因素,但是,这种关联有许多可能的解释。



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