首页> 外文期刊>The Indian journal of medical research >Stress, anxiety & depression among medical undergraduate students & their socio-demographic correlates

Stress, anxiety & depression among medical undergraduate students & their socio-demographic correlates




Background & objectives: Presence of psychological morbidity in medical undergraduate students has been reported from various countries across the world. Indian studies to document this burden are very few. Therefore, the presence of depression, anxiety and stress among medical undergraduate students was assessed using a previously validated and standardized instrument, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS 42) and the associations with their socio-demographic and personal characteristics were identified. Methods: In a cross-sectional survey, a self-administered, pre-designed, pre-tested anonymous questionnaire including DASS 42 was used to collect information on basic socio-demographic (age, gender, semester) and personal characteristics (alcohol and tobacco use, academic performance). All students present on the day of survey were contacted for participation after obtaining informed written consent. Scores for each of the respondents over each of the sub-scales (Depression, Anxiety and Stress) were calculated as per the severity-rating index. Results: More than half of the respondents were affected by depression (51.3%), anxiety (66.9%) and stress (53%). Morbidity was found to be more in 5 th semester students rather than students of 2 nd semester. Females reported higher score as compared to their male counterparts. Perception of self assessment in academics was strongly associated with the higher score. Conclusions: A substantial proportion of medical undergraduate students was found to be depressed, anxious and stressed revealing a neglected area of the students' psychology requiring urgent attention. Student counselling services need to be made available and accessible to curb this morbidity.
机译:背景与目的:世界各地都有医学本科生出现心理疾病的报道。印度很少有文献记录这种负担。因此,使用先前验证过的标准化工具抑郁焦虑压力量表(DASS 42)评估了医学本科生中抑郁,焦虑和压力的存在,并确定了其与社会人口统计学和个人特征的关系。方法:在横断面调查中,使用包括DASS 42在内的自我管理,预先设计,预先测试的匿名调查表收集有关基本社会人口统计学(年龄,性别,学期)和个人特征(酒精和烟草)的信息使用,学习成绩)。获得知情的书面同意后,会与参加调查当天的所有学生进行联系。根据严重性等级指数计算每个子量表(抑郁,焦虑和压力)中每个答卷者的得分。结果:超过一半的受访者受到抑郁症(51.3%),焦虑症(66.9%)和压力(53%)的影响。发现第五个 学期的学生发病率更高,而不是第二个 学期的学生。女性报告的分数高于男性。学术界对自我评估的感知与得分较高密切相关。结论:医学本科生中有很大一部分人感到沮丧,焦虑和压力,这表明学生的心理被忽视的一环需要紧急关注。需要提供学生咨询服务,以遏制这种情况。



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