首页> 外文期刊>The Florida entomologist >Diversity of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritoidea) and their host plants in a conservation unit from midwestern Brazil

Diversity of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritoidea) and their host plants in a conservation unit from midwestern Brazil




Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae and Lonchaeidae) are among the principal phytophagous insects of fruit and vegetables. Their larvae feed on the pulp or seeds of fruits to complete their development, which favors the entry of pathogens and early fall of the fruits, damaging fruit production. The objectives of this research were to determine the richness of fruit fly species and their associations with their host fruits in the Serra da Bodoquena National Park (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil) and surrounding areas. To obtain the fruit fly species from their hosts, monthly collections of fruits were made. Leaf samples were prepared and identified by botanists. The collected fruits were transported to the Laboratório de Insetos Frugívoros, where they were counted and weighed. The species of fruit flies were identified, and their trophic interactions with their hosts analyzed. Thirty-nine plant species from 29 plant families were collected. Twelve fruit species were hosts to fruit fly larvae. The survey resulted in the recovery of 1,476 larvae and 968 adult fruit flies. Among the adults, 878 were Tephritidae and 90 Lonchaidae. Nine species from the genus Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) and 3 from Neosilba (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) were obtained. These are the first reports for Anastrepha serpentina (Wiedemann), Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann), and Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) (all Diptera: Tephritidae) infesting fruits of Eugenia myrcianthes Nied (Myrtaceae); Anastrepha striata Schiner (Diptera: Tephritidae) infesting Jacaratia spinosa Aubl. (Caricaceae); Anastrepha zenildae Zucchi (Diptera: Tephritidae) infesting Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess) O. Berg. (Myrtaceae); Neosilba glaberrima (Wiedemann) and Neosilba zadolicha McAlpineandSteyskal are recorded for the first time infesting Persea americana Miller (Lauraceae), and Neosilba certa (Walker) (all Diptera: Lonchaeidae) infesting Chrysophyllum gonocarpum (Mart.andEichler) Engl. (Sapotaceae), Anastrepha barbiellinii Lima (Diptera: Tephritidae) is recorded for the first time infesting Pereskia aculeata Miller (Cactaceae) in Mato Grosso do Sul State.
机译:果蝇(双翅目:天蛾科和菱形科)是水果和蔬菜的主要植物性食虫性昆虫。它们的幼虫以果实的果肉或种子为食,以完成其发育,这有利于病原体的进入和果实的早落,从而损害果实的产量。这项研究的目的是确定果蝇种类的丰富度以及它们与塞拉达博多奎纳国家公园(巴西南马托格罗索州)及其周边地区的寄主果实的联系。为了从寄主那里获得果蝇,每月收集一次水果。准备了叶子样品并由植物学家鉴定。收集的水果被运到InsetosFrugívoros实验室,在这里对它们进行计数和称重。确定了果蝇的种类,并分析了它们与寄主之间的营养相互作用。收集了29个植物科的39种植物。十二种水果是果蝇幼虫的寄主。该调查结果恢复了1,476尾幼虫和968只成年果蝇。在成年人中,有878名蝇科和90只龙科。获得了来自Anastrepha属(双翅目:天蛾科)的9个物种和来自Neosilba(Diptera:龙眼科)的3个物种。这是关于蛇形拟南芥(Wiedemann),形拟南芥(Wiedemann)和斜角拟南芥(Macquart)(均为双翅目:蝶形科)侵染了番红花(Eugenia myrcianthes Nied)(桃金娘科)果实的首次报道。 Anastrepha striata Schiner(Diptera:Tephritidae)侵染Jacaratia spinosa Aubl。 (ic科); Anastrepha zenildae Zucchi(Diptera:Tephritidae)出没于Campomanesia guazumifolia(Cambess)O. Berg。 (桃金娘科);首次记录到了新蚕(Wiedemann)和新蚕(Neosilba zadolicha McAlpine和Steeysk​​al)出没于Persea americana Miller(Lauraceae)和Neosilba certa(Walker)(所有Diptera:Lonchaeidae)出没于Chrysophylgg gonocarpum(Mart.andEich)的病害。 (Sapotaceae),Anastrepha barbiellinii Lima(Diptera:Tephritidae)首次在南马托格罗索州侵染Pereskia aculeata Miller(Cactaceae)。



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