首页> 外文期刊>The California Journal of Emergency Medicine >Take a Stab at It - A Novel and Economical Chest Tube Model for Procedural Skills Education

Take a Stab at It - A Novel and Economical Chest Tube Model for Procedural Skills Education




Background: Proper placement of chest tubes isrequired for efficacy and avoiding complications such aslung injury, blood loss, liver lacerations and damage tovessels and nerves. Simulators and models allow trainees topractice skills, overcome anxiety about complex procedures,and achieve higher levels of technical proficiency beforeattempting procedures on patients. High-fidelity simulatorsand commercially available task-trainers can be prohibitivelyexpensive and costly to maintain or replace when used forteaching large groups.Educational Objectives: Our educational needs includeda chest tube model that could economically provide multiplechest tube insertion attempts to a large number of learners, andcould be adapted to simulate different chest sizes.Curricular Design: Our model was constructed usingmaterials readily available: 1-gallon plastic jug ($1.00), plasticwrap ($2.19), package of latex balloons ($0.99), pork spareribs ($2.99/lbs.), 3-inch foam tape, and super glue.Model construction: Empty the jug and lay it on its side.Opposite the handle, cut a 3x4 inch rectangular window. Placea balloon in the spout of the jug and inflate so that it fills theinside of the jug and tie off. Glue the side opposite the openingto a piece of plywood. Cut a section of spare ribs to cover thewindow and wrap the ribs in plastic wrap. Next, use foam tapeto secure the slab of ribs over the opening.Procedure: Make an incision in the “skin” (foam tape),then bluntly dissect down to the ribs and puncture through theintercostal muscles. The opening can be enlarged with Kellyforceps and when a finger is inserted the “lung” (balloon) ispalpated. Next, insert a chest tube through the opening andsecure using silk suture.Impact/Effectiveness: The biggest impact of thisinnovation is that this model can be constructed for about $10whereas a commercially available task trainers cost $4,300and the replacement inserts (which endure 6 sticks) cost$184 each.3 It simulates some of the important landmarks forensuring proper placement, with direct visualization through theclear jug. Learners can also experience some of the potentialcomplications of chest tube placement such as, injury to lungtissue, misdirection of the tube, and tunneling under the skin.This model was used during our recent EmergencyMedicine Symposium where over 50 physicians and advancecare practitioners participated in a chest tube skills station.At a low-cost we were able to provide a realistic model formultiple learners to use. The feedback from this skills stationwas overwhelmingly excellent.
机译:背景:需要正确放置胸管才能有效治疗并避免并发症,例如肺损伤,失血,肝裂伤以及血管和神经损伤。模拟器和模型可以使受训人员具有最佳实践技能,克服对复杂程序的焦虑,并可以在尝试对患者进行程序之前达到更高的技术水平。高保真模拟器和市售的任务训练器在用于教学大型团体时可能过于昂贵且维护或更换成本很高。教育目标:我们的教育需求包括一种胸管模型,该模型可以经济地向大量学习者提供多次胸管插入尝试,并且可以课程设计:我们的模型是使用容易获得的材料制成的:1-加仑塑料水罐($ 1.00),塑料包装纸($ 2.19),乳胶气球包装($ 0.99),猪肉排骨($ 2.99 / lbs), 3英寸泡沫胶带和超强胶模型结构:清空水罐并将其侧放。将手柄对面切开一个3x4英寸的矩形窗户。在水罐的水嘴中放置一个气球并充气,使其充满水罐的内部并系好领带。将与开口相对的一侧粘到一块胶合板上。切下一部分备用肋条以覆盖窗口,然后将肋条用保鲜膜包裹。接下来,使用泡沫胶带将肋骨板固定在开口处。步骤:在“皮肤”(泡沫胶带)上切开一个切口,然后直截了当地剖开肋骨,并穿过肋间肌穿刺。可以使用Kellyforceps扩大开口,并且在插入手指时会触碰“肺”(气球)。接下来,将胸管穿过开口并使用丝线缝合固定。影响/效果:这种创新的最大影响是,该模型的价格约为10美元,而市售的任务训练器成本为4,300美元,而替换的插入物(可承受6条棍棒) ),每个售价184美元。3它可以模拟一些重要的地标,以确保正确放置,并通过透明的水罐直接可视化。学习者还可以体验到一些可能的胸管放置并发症,例如,肺组织损伤,管子方向错误以及皮肤下的穿隧。该模型在我们最近的“紧急医学研讨会”中使用,有50多名医生和高级护理从业人员参加了胸腔手术电子管技能站。我们能够以低成本提供逼真的模型供多个学习者使用。该技能站的反馈非常出色。



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