首页> 外文期刊>The European journal of psychiatry. >Screening for metabolic syndrome in long-term psychiatric illness: Audit of patients receiving depot antipsychotic medication at a psychiatry clinic

Screening for metabolic syndrome in long-term psychiatric illness: Audit of patients receiving depot antipsychotic medication at a psychiatry clinic




Background and Objectives: Metabolic syndrome (visceral obesity, dyslipidaemia, hyperglycaemia, hypertension) is a substantial public health problem, especially amongst individuals receiving antipsychotic medication. Methods: We studied routine screening practices for metabolic syndrome amongst psychiatry outpatients receiving injected depot anti-psychotic medication at a clinic in Dublin, Ireland. Results: Our initial audit (n = 64) demonstrated variable levels of documentation of criteria for metabolic syndrome in outpatient files; e.g. weight was recorded in 1.6% of files, serum high density lipoprotein in 12.5%. As our intervention, we introduced a screening check-list comprising risk factors and criteria for metabolic syndrome, based on the definition of the International Diabetes Federation. Re-audit (n = 54) demonstrated significantly improved levels of documentation; e.g. weight was recorded in 61.1% of files. Notwithstanding these improvements, only 11 (20.4%) of 54 patient files examined in the re-audit, contained sufficient information to determine whether or not the patient fulfilled criteria for metabolic syndrome; of these, 3 patients (27.3%) fulfilled criteria for metabolic syndrome. There was, however, significant additional morbidity in relation to individual criteria (waist circumference, serum triglyceride level, systolic blood pressure and serum fasting glucose). Conclusions: We recommend enhanced attention be paid to metabolic morbidity in this patient group.
机译:背景与目的:代谢综合征(内脏肥胖,血脂异常,高血糖,高血压)是一个重大的公共卫生问题,尤其是在接受抗精神病药物治疗的人群中。方法:我们在爱尔兰都柏林的一家诊所中研究了接受注射储库抗精神病药物治疗的精神科门诊患者代谢综合征的常规筛查方法。结果:我们的初步审核(n = 64)显示门诊档案中有关代谢综合征标准的文献水平不一;例如体重记录为文件的1.6%,血清高密度脂蛋白为12.5%。作为我们的干预措施,我们根据国际糖尿病联合会的定义引入了包括风险因素和代谢综合征标准的筛查清单。重新审核(n = 54)表明文档水平明显提高;例如重量记录在61.1%的文件中。尽管有这些改进,但在重新审核的54例患者档案中,只有11例(20.4%)包含足够的信息来确定患者是否符合代谢综合征的标准。其中3例(27.3%)符合代谢综合征标准。但是,与个别标准(腰围,血清甘油三酯水平,收缩压和血清空腹血糖)相关的发病率更高。结论:我们建议在该患者组中更加注意代谢率。



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