首页> 外文期刊>The Florida entomologist >Impacts of an Orange Oil Solvent and Stickem? on the Detection of Xylella fastidiosa DNA in Glassy-Winged Sharpshooters, Homalodisca vitripennis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)

Impacts of an Orange Oil Solvent and Stickem? on the Detection of Xylella fastidiosa DNA in Glassy-Winged Sharpshooters, Homalodisca vitripennis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)




Xylella fastidiosa is a plant pathogenic bacterium that causes many economically important agricultural diseases and is transmitted by the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Efficient detection of X. fastidiosa in field collected H. vitripennis in an area-wide management program can contribute to risk assessment associated with insect presence in vineyards. Prior to conducting molecular assays for detection of X. fastidiosa in individual insects, H. vitripennis must be removed from yellow sticky traps with a solvent such as orange oil. In this study, we determined the effect of orange oil concentration on extraction of individual H. vitripennis following trap removal on detection of X. fastidiosa by qRT-PCR. In a ten-fold dilution series of orange oil, increasing amounts of orange oil caused decreasing levels of X. fastidiosa detection in standardized positive samples. Additionally, tests on the effects of Stickem? brand trap adhesive on qRT-PCR and development of methods which lowered the concentration of orange oil often present in field samples determined the point where detection of X. fastidiosa was negatively impacted. These results benefit the monitoring and screening for Xylella fastidiosa from leafhoppers collected on sticky cards used in regulatory area-wide management.View this article in BioOne
机译:枯草杆菌是一种植物致病细菌,可引起许多具有重要经济意义的农业疾病,并由玻璃状翅膀的神枪手霍莫迪卡斯·维特彭尼斯(Homalodisca vitripennis)传播。在一个区域管理计划中,在田间采集的维氏假单胞菌中有效检测到Fast。Xidiastosa,可以有助于评估与葡萄园中昆虫的存在有关的风险。在进行分子分析以检测单个昆虫中的快速链霉菌之前,必须使用溶剂(例如橙色油)从黄色粘性陷阱中除去玻璃胶质假单胞菌。在这项研究中,我们确定了橙油浓度对通过qRT-PCR检测到的X. fastidiosa捕集阱后捕集单个玻璃棘球藻的影响。在橙油的10倍稀释系列中,增加的橙油量会导致标准化阳性样品中的X. fastidiosa检测水平降低。此外,还可以测试Stickem的效果吗? qRT-PCR上的品牌捕集剂胶粘剂以及降低田间样品中经常存在的橙油浓度的方法的开发确定了点检法氏假单胞菌的检测受到不利影响的点。这些结果有利于监测和筛选从粘胶卡上收集的叶蝉中的木虱,这些叶蝉用于监管区域范围内的管理。



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