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Pietro Bembo's L'Histoire du Nouveau Monde

机译:Pietro Bembo的《新世界的历史》



THE third volume of Giovanni Battista Ramusio's Delle Navigationi et Viaggi was firstpublished in Venice by Giunti in 1556.' It included an account of the first Spanish descentot the River Amazon made during 1542. This account was written by Gonzalo Hernandezde Oviedo y Valdes (1478-1557), and sent as a letter to Cardinal Pietro Bembo (1470-1547), the distinguished humanist, who from 1530 until his death was the official historianas well as the librarian of the Venetian Republic. It was Bembo, a friend of Ramusio, whoundertook to have translated into Italian what appears to be this very letter presumablyso that Ramusio could include it in his projected volume. However, while Ramusio'sthird volume includes such primary material as Oviedo's letter, it contains also extensiveextracts from histories.
机译:乔万尼·巴蒂斯塔·拉穆西奥(Giovanni Battista Ramusio)的《戴尔导航和维亚格吉》(Dell Navigationi et Viaggi)第三卷于1556年由Giunti在威尼斯出版。它包括1542年亚马逊河制造的第一个西班牙血统的账目。该账目由贡萨洛·埃尔南德斯·奥维耶多·瓦尔德斯(Gonzalo Hernandezde Oviedo y Valdes(1478-1557)写,并写给了著名的人道主义者红衣主教Pietro Bembo(1470-1547)。从1530年直到他去世,他一直是官方的历史学家,同时还是威尼斯共和国的图书管理员。是拉姆西奥的朋友本博(Bembo)保证将这封信翻译成意大利语,大概是为了让拉姆西奥将其包括在他的预计书中。然而,尽管拉木西奥的第三卷包括奥维多的信等主要材料,但其中也包含了历史的大量摘录。



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