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Simulated retreat of Jakobshavn Isbr? since the Little Ice Age controlled by geometry

机译:雅各布港·伊斯布雷(Jakobshavn Isbr)的模拟撤退?自小冰河世纪以来受几何学控制



Rapid retreat of Greenland's marine-terminating glaciers coincides with regional warming trends, which have broadly been used to explain these rapid changes. However, outlet glaciers within similar climate regimes experience widely contrasting retreat patterns, suggesting that the local fjord geometry could be an important additional factor. To assess the relative role of climate and fjord geometry, we use the retreat history of Jakobshavn Isbr?, West Greenland, since the Little Ice Age (LIA) maximum in 1850 as a baseline for the parameterization of a depth- and width-integrated ice flow model. The impact of fjord geometry is isolated by using a linearly increasing climate forcing since the LIA and testing a range of simplified geometries. We find that the total length of retreat is determined by external factors – such as hydrofracturing, submarine melt and buttressing by sea ice – whereas the retreat pattern is governed by the fjord geometry. Narrow and shallow areas provide pinning points and cause delayed but rapid retreat without additional climate warming, after decades of grounding line stability. We suggest that these geometric pinning points may be used to locate potential sites for moraine formation and to predict the long-term response of the glacier. As a consequence, to assess the impact of climate on the retreat history of a glacier, each system has to be analyzed with knowledge of its historic retreat and the local fjord geometry.
机译:格陵兰岛海洋终止冰川的快速退缩与区域变暖趋势相吻合,这被广泛用于解释这些快速变化。然而,在相似气候条件下的出口冰川经历了截然不同的后退模式,这表明当地峡湾的几何形状可能是一个重要的附加因素。为了评估气候和峡湾几何形状的相对作用,我们使用了西格陵兰岛雅各布沙文·伊斯布勒(Jakobshavn Isbr?)的撤退历史,因为1850年的小冰期(LIA)达到最大值,以此作为深度和宽度综合冰的参数化的基准流模型。通过使用自LIA以来线性增加的气候强迫来隔离峡湾几何形状的影响,并测试一系列简化的几何形状。我们发现,撤退的总长度是由外部因素决定的,例如水力压裂,海底融化和海冰的支撑,而撤退的方式则由峡湾的几何形状决定。在数十年的接地线稳定之后,狭窄而浅的区域提供了固定点,并导致延迟但迅速的后退,而没有额外的气候变暖。我们建议这些几何固定点可用于定位冰ora形成的潜在位置并预测冰川的长期响应。因此,要评估气候对冰川退缩历史的影响,必须分析每个系统的历史退缩知识和当地峡湾的几何形状。



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