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Freshwater flux to Sermilik Fjord, SE Greenland




Terrestrial inputs of freshwater flux to Sermilik Fjord, SE Greenland, were estimated, indicating ice discharge to be the dominant source of freshwater. A freshwater flux of 40.4 ± 4.9×10sup9/sup msup3/sup ysupa??1/sup was found (1999a??2008), with an 85% contribution originated from ice discharge (65% alone from Helheim Glacier), 11% from terrestrial surface runoff (from melt water and rain), 3% from precipitation at the fjord surface area, and 1% from subglacial geothermal and frictional melting due to basal ice motion. The results demonstrate the dominance of ice discharge as a primary mechanism for delivering freshwater to Sermilik Fjord. Time series of ice discharge for Helheim Glacier, Midg?¥rd Glacier, and Fenris Glacier were calculated from satellite-derived average surface velocity, glacier width, and estimated ice thickness, and fluctuations in terrestrial surface freshwater runoff were simulated based on observed meteorological data. These simulations were compared and bias corrected against independent glacier catchment runoff observations. Modeled runoff to Sermilik Fjord was variable, ranging from 2.9 ± 0.4×10sup9/sup msup3/sup ysupa??1/sup in 1999 to 5.9 ± 0.9×10sup9/sup msup3/sup ysupa??1/sup in 2005. The sub-catchment runoff of the Helheim Glacier region accounted for 25% of the total runoff to Sermilik Fjord. The runoff distribution from the different sub-catchments suggested a strong influence from the spatial variation in glacier coverage, indicating high runoff volumes, where glacier cover was present at low elevations.
机译:估计向格陵兰东南部的Sermilik Fjord提供了陆地淡水通量,这表明排冰是淡水的主要来源。淡水流量为40.4±发现4.9× 10 9 m 3 y a ?? 1 (1999a ?? 2008),其中85%的贡献来自冰排放量(仅Helheim Glacier排放量的65%),地表径流(融化的水和雨水)的11%,峡湾表面积降水的3%,以及由于基础冰运动而引起的冰川下地热和摩擦融化的1%。结果表明,排冰占主导地位,是向淡水峡湾输送淡水的主要机制。 Helheim Glacier,Midg?rdrd Glacier和Fenris Glacier的排冰时间序列是根据卫星得出的平均表面速度,冰川宽度和估计的冰厚来计算的,并根据观测的气象数据模拟了地表淡水径流的波动。对这些模拟进行了比较,并针对独立的冰川集水径流观测值进行了偏差校正。 Sermilik Fjord的模型径流是可变的,范围从2.9到最大值。 0.4× 10 9 m 3 y a ?? 1 在1999年达到5.9± 0.9× 10 9 m 3 y a ?? 1 在2005年。海尔海姆冰川流域的子汇水径流占25%塞米利克峡湾的总径流。来自不同子汇水面积的径流分布表明,冰川覆盖率的空间变化具有强烈的影响,表明径流量很高,而冰川覆盖率低的地方。



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