首页> 外文期刊>Universal Journal of Geoscience >Palynology, Palynostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Analysis of Maiganga Coal Mine, Gombe Formation, Nigeria

Palynology, Palynostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Analysis of Maiganga Coal Mine, Gombe Formation, Nigeria




Palynological analysis provides data for determinations of ages, palynostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the studied parts of Gombe Formation (around Maiganga coal mine) in the Upper Benue Trough. The studied sections of the formation were sampled from the drilled cores of the strata derived from the coal exploration drilling project carried out at Maiganga. A total of 174 core samples from three boreholes that penetrated the strata have been studied for their palynofloral contents and the results used to date, zone and interprete the paleoclimatic conditions of the paleoclimatic conditions of the studied strata. The aim was to establish their microfloral assemblages, age, paleoclimate and biozonation. The standard maceration method was employed for the palynological analyses employing both acid and hydrogen peroxide as the processing media. The studied boreholes (BA-7, BA-16 and BA-17) were considerably rich in palynomorphs especially the samples processed with H2O2. Majority of the pollen and spores observed from the study included Proteacidites sigalii, Retidiporites magdalensis, Monoporites annulatus, Cingulastisporites ornatus,Rugulatisporites caperatus, Scabratriporites annellus, Proteacidites longispinosis, Distaverrusporites simplex and Foveotrilete margaritae. The recovered marker species have been used to date the studied section Early-Late Maastrichtian. The analyses of the palynomorphs were used to interpret the paleoclimate of the studied sections as well as zoning the sections into two palyzones, Proteacidites sigalii-Echitriporites trianguliformis and Cyathidites spp-Laevigatosporites haardtii zones. The paleoclimatic conditions were inferred to belong to the Late Cretaceous Palmae province.
机译:孢粉学分析为确定上贝努尔海槽上贡贝组(麦冈加煤矿周围)被研究部分的年龄,古地层学和古环境提供了数据。研究的地层剖面是从麦冈加(Maiganga)进行的煤炭勘探钻探项目获得的地层钻孔岩心中取样的。已经研究了来自三个钻孔的渗透岩层的174个岩心样品的花粉含量,并利用这些结果进行了日期,分区和解释了所研究岩层的古气候条件。目的是确定它们的菌群,年龄,古气候和生物区带。使用标准浸渍法进行酸和过氧化氢作为处理介质的孢粉分析。所研究的钻孔(BA-7,BA-16和BA-17)中的泥ly形态相当丰富,尤其是用H 2 O 2 处理的样品。从该研究中观察到的大多数花粉和孢子包括:Proteacidites sigalii,Retidiporites magdalensis,Monoporites annulatus,Cingulastisporites ornatus,Rugulatisporites caperatus,Scabratriporites annellus,Proteacidites longispintritriosis,Distaverrusporite simplex和Foveoitalete。回收的标记物种类已被用来作为研究后期马斯特里赫特地区的日期。古土壤形态的分析被用来解释所研究断面的古气候,并将该区域划分为两个古地带,即Proteacidites sigalii-Echitriporites trianguliformis和Cyathidites spp-Laevigatosporites haardtii区。据推测,古气候条件属于白垩纪晚期。



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