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Effect of Dexamethasone in Acute Laryngotracheitis




Fifty eight patients between the ages of six months and five years were studied in a randomized double-blind trial to determine whether dexamethasone has a role in the outpatient management of patients with acute viral croup of moderate severity. For various reasons, twelve were excluded from the final results. In the 46 patients who completed the study (32 males, 14 females) the only significant differences detected between the treatment groups were that the duration ofrhinorrhea was longer in the dexamethasone group compared with placebo (median 2,5 days vs 1,5 day) and the pre-discharge croup score was higher in the dexamethasone group compared with placebo (2 vs 0). Conclusion: The use of dexamethasone in the outpatient management of viral croup is associated with a reduction in the severity of illness within 24 hours of treatment. Patients with viral croup of moderate severity should be considered candidates for the use of dexamethasone before discharge from the paediatric emergency clinic.
机译:在一项随机双盲试验中研究了58个年龄在6个月至5岁之间的患者,以确定地塞米松是否在中度急性病毒性肝炎患者的门诊管理中发挥作用。由于各种原因,从最终结果中排除了十二个。在完成研究的46位患者中(男性32位,女性14位),治疗组之间唯一的显着差异是地塞米松组的鼻漏持续时间比安慰剂更长(中位数2.5天比1.5天)地塞米松组的出院前总胆固醇评分高于安慰剂组(2 vs 0)。结论:地塞米松在病毒性暴发的门诊治疗中与治疗24小时内疾病严重程度的降低有关。病毒性中度病情严重的患者在小儿急诊出院前应考虑使用地塞米松。



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