首页> 外文期刊>Quimica nova >Extraction of sterols in fruits of Ottonia martiana Miq., Piperaceae, with liquefied gas

Extraction of sterols in fruits of Ottonia martiana Miq., Piperaceae, with liquefied gas

机译:用液化气提取胡椒属植物tt菜(Ottonia martiana Miq。)果实中的固醇



A new extraction method for sterols was tested in fruits of Ottonia martiana Miq., a shrub belonging to the family Piperaceae, popularly known as "anestésica" due to the use of its roots and aerial parts, in alcoholic preparations, in treatment of odontological problems. For this purpose, a portable extraction equipment was developed, to operate with liquified gases, which showed to be practical, fast and effective, besides being economical and ecological. In the chromatographic analysis of the extracts obtained in this equipment, it was demonstrated the presence of two sterols, isomers of b-sitosterol and stigmasterol.
机译:测试了一种新的固醇提取方法,该方法是在Ottonia martiana Miq。的果实中进行测试的。Ottoniamartiana Miq。是属于胡椒科的一种灌木,由于在酒精制剂中使用其根部和气生部分而广为人知,因此可以治疗牙科学问题。为此目的,开发了一种便携式提取设备,该设备可以使用液化气进行操作,除了经济和生态之外,该设备还被证明是实用,快速和有效的。在该设备中获得的提取物的色谱分析中,证明了存在两种固醇,即β-谷甾醇和豆甾醇的异构体。


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