首页> 外文期刊>Public Policy and Administration Research >Fiscal Federalism and Development in Nigeria

Fiscal Federalism and Development in Nigeria




It is a known fact that the pattern of fiscal federalism the military imposed on the nation has no regard for the source of production and revenue generation. This is so through the power bestowed upon the federal government by the constitution which gave the federal government power over taxation and payment collection, the same constitution also vested the power of ownership of natural resources in any part of the country on the central government, and this has gone a long way to balkanized revenue generation effort and made development Epileptic and subjecting states as agents to the federal government. The 1963 Republican constitution, 1979 constitution, 1989 constitution and 1999 constitution made it possible in Nigeria, and conflict are still “brewing”. In finding solution to this problems, this paper would x-ray on the following issues; problem of Nigerian fiscal federalism, theory of fiscal federalism. problem of acceptable sharing formula, objective of fiscal relations, importance of fiscal federalism to national development, revenue allocation principles in Nigeria, effect on development in Nigeria and to suggest a way forward for an improved fiscal federalism so as to reduce the internal heat that has led to the ethnic cold war in the polity.
机译:众所周知的事实是,军队强加给国家的财政联邦制模式没有考虑生产和创收的来源。宪法赋予联邦政府对税收和收款的权力,这是通过赋予联邦政府的权力来实现的,同一宪法也将国家任何地方的自然资源所有权归于中央政府,并且这大大地阻碍了创收工作的顺利进行,并使发展变得令人毛骨悚然,并使各州成为联邦政府的代理。 1963年的共和党宪法,1979年的宪法,1989年的宪法和1999年的宪法在尼日利亚成为可能,而冲突仍在“酝酿中”。为了找到解决这些问题的方法,本文将对以下问题进行X射线检查:尼日利亚财政联邦制问题,财政联邦制理论。可接受的共享公式,财政关系的目标,财政联邦制对国家发展的重要性,尼日利亚的收入分配原则,对尼日利亚发展的影响以及提出改善财政联邦制以减少内部热度的前进道路的建议在政体中引发了种族冷战。



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