首页> 外文期刊>Public Policy and Administration Research >Devolution and Governance Conflicts in Africa: Kenyan Scenario

Devolution and Governance Conflicts in Africa: Kenyan Scenario




The interests on devolved system of government have increased over time in Africa. This paper looks at devolution and governance conflicts in Africa. The paper makes an attempt in assessing the likely conflicts from this system and possibly so their mitigations with the Kenyan scenario. The study applies the underlined objectives in achieving its goals. Ultimately, the paper will attempt to answer questions such as; what is devolution? Why devolution? What is the rationale of devolution? What are the likely conflicts inherent in devolution and governance in Africa from the global experience? What are the mitigations available and its prospects and challenges? Confusions linger as to whether devolution is decentralization or federalism. In tackling the objectives, this study tries to make clarity to these dilemmas. Key words: Devolution/ Decentralization/ Conflicts/ Governance



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