首页> 外文期刊>Public Policy and Administration Research >Implementation of Regional Regulation Policy No.26 th. 2012 Concerning the Arrangement of Five Foot Traders in Banjarmasin City

Implementation of Regional Regulation Policy No.26 th. 2012 Concerning the Arrangement of Five Foot Traders in Banjarmasin City




This research departs from the implementation of Perda N0. 26 of 2012 concerning the arrangement and empowerment of street vendors in the city of Banjarmasin. The government hopes that the city is clean, beautiful, comfortable and comfortable, the streets are well localized and well organized. The presence of street hawkers does not have as negative an impact on the environment as garbage needs. The government also agrees that street vendors are a solution for those who are looking for a better and better livelihood. Their success in carrying marginal pockets in meeting their daily needs.Thus the formulation of the problem raised regarding the implementation of the local regulation number 26 of 2012, concerning the arrangement and empowerment of street vendors in Banjarmasin? Besides that, how is the implementation model of the local regulation number 26 of 2012, concerning the arrangement and empowerment of street vendors in Banjarmasin?Implementation of Public Policies on Privacy Policies. Research data were explored by in-depth interviews and document studies. Qualitative data analysis. The data consists of qualitative data supported by quantitative data sourced from informants and literature. The results of the study indicate that the main functions of the Government are the formulation of policies, arrangements, guidance, coordination, motivation, advocacy, mediation and control based on the principles of good governance. The results of research and discussion indicate the implementation of the Determination and Empowerment of street vendors in the city of Banjarmasin. Therefore, it is necessary to have a model that prioritizes implementation or implementation with assignments to regional apparatus organizations related to the discipline of implementing the structuring and empowerment programs of street vendors in the city of Banjarmasin.
机译:这项研究与Perda N0的实施背道而驰。 2012年6月26日,涉及Banjarmasin市街头小贩的安排和赋权。政府希望这座城市整洁,美丽,舒适和舒适,街道应具有良好的本地化和组织性。街头小贩的存在并没有像垃圾需求那样对环境造成负面影响。政府还同意,街头小贩是寻求更好生活的人们的解决方案。他们成功地携带了一些零用钱来满足他们的日常需求。因此,在制定有关2012年第26号地方法规(涉及Banjarmasin的街头小贩的安排和赋权)方面出现了问题吗?除此之外,2012年第26号地方法规的实施模式如何涉及Banjarmasin街头小贩的安排和授权?隐私政策公共政策的实施。通过深入的访谈和文献研究来探索研究数据。定性数据分析。数据由定性数据组成,定性数据由来自线人和文献的定量数据支持。研究结果表明,政府的主要职能是根据善政原则制定政策,安排,指导,协调,激励,倡导,调解和控制。研究和讨论的结果表明,在Banjarmasin市实施街头小贩的决定和赋权。因此,有必要建立一个模型,该模型将优先执行或优先执行的工作分配给与在Banjarmasin市实施街头小贩的结构化和赋权计划的学科相关的区域设备组织。



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