首页> 外文期刊>Public Health Nutrition >Associations of diet quality with dairy group membership, membership duration and non-membership for Kenyan farm women and children: a comparative study

Associations of diet quality with dairy group membership, membership duration and non-membership for Kenyan farm women and children: a comparative study




Abstract Objective To examine associations among diet quality and dairy group membership, membership duration and non-member status for women and school-aged children in rural Kenya. Design A cross-sectional survey, using chain referral sampling, was conducted and diet quality indices and prevalence of inadequate intake (PII) were estimated using the a€?estimated average requirementa€? cut-off point method from single 24 h recalls, using a Kenyan nutrient database. PII was compared among members and non-members and among membership-duration groups. Subjects Women and children of dairy group members (n 88), across membership-duration groups (1a€“3, 4a€“6, 7a€“9 and 10+ years), and non-members (n 23) living among members. Setting Small farms in central Kenya. Results Members had higher energy, percentage of energy from animal-source foods and dietary diversity. Member women and children had lower PII for respectively seven and three of eleven micronutrients. Reduced PII for milk-source micronutrients was associated with membership duration for women. Many member women (38 %) had inadequate vitamin A intake and 39 % of member children had inadequate Zn intake. Membersa€? PII was also high (>45 %) for Fe, Ca and vitamin B12. A higher prevalence of being overweight among member women compared with non-member women suggested nutrition transition effects of higher farm productivity. Conclusions Dairy group membership was positively associated with adequate quantity and quality of diets for women and children. Long-term membership was insufficient to address micronutrient deficiencies. Understanding and addressing barriers to better diet quality and strategies to mitigate negative nutrition transition effects are needed to optimize nutritional outcomes of dairy group membership.
机译:摘要目的探讨肯尼亚农村地区妇女和学龄儿童的饮食质量与乳制品组成员,成员持续时间和非成员状态之间的关系。设计采用连锁推荐抽样进行横断面调查,并使用估计的平均需求量估算饮食质量指数和摄入不足的发生率。使用肯尼亚营养数据库,从单个24小时召回起的临界点法。在成员和非成员之间以及成员持续时间组之间比较了PII。主题乳制品组成员中的妇女和儿童(88名),成员身份持续时间各小组(1年,3年,4年,6年,7年,9岁和10岁以上),以及非成员(23岁),生活在成员中。在肯尼亚中部设置小型农场。结果成员具有更高的能量,来自动物源性食物的能量百分比和饮食多样性。会员妇女和儿童的PII较低,分别为11种微量营养素中的7种和3种。牛奶来源微量营养素的PII降低与女性的成员持续时间有关。许多会员妇女(38%)的维生素A摄入量不足,而39%的会员孩子的锌摄入量不足。会员€?铁,钙和维生素B12的PII也很高(> 45%)。与非会员妇女相比,会员妇女中超重的患病率更高,表明更高的农业生产力对营养过渡的影响。结论乳制品组成员与妇女和儿童适当的饮食数量和质量成正相关。长期成员不足以解决微量营养素缺乏症。需要了解并解决提高饮食质量的障碍,并采取减轻缓解营养过渡负面影响的策略,以优化乳制品组成员的营养成果。



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